[LPW #66] The LPW Strikes Back

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Hello, and g'afternoon ASF/LPW-people...:goodtea:~>

G'morning at Samy's/Slay's side - and g'evening at Nawi's/Naza's side...:goodtea:~>
『Just called the Post Office and it seems like it finally arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna run off for a bit ^_^』
Then the package is badly damage and the inside is completely messed up
and maybe the disc will...
*Noroi dance*
『I'm gonna freaking kill every single worker of that Post Office ^_^ And you too Nazaka ^_^』
『It seems "It was a mistake, we don't actually have it yet."...:bloodthirsty:
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