[LPW#67] Kill the @king; , crown the witches.

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Well it depends on what part of making games you want to do really. Programming is what I would call closest to the "making games" part, unless you want to be more involved in the story creation or something. Either way in most cases you will be a part of a large team.

And I've talked with some Russian people in English and it isn't really that hard. Just don't talk super fast and it should be fine. :)
hello,nice panty.

I think you are not lazy.And I also think,if you has what you want to do,you should seek how you can do it.It's very important.
I guess you've already understood that.I'm just saying.
Hello, and g'evening ASF/LPW-people...:goodtea:~>

Notice: Health process is in 76% done.
[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION]; not sure where you are heading yet? I changed my major partway so that sucks for me :(

Feeling better nanashi?
『Well, that is kinda the point... I think its more my style to think up story, game system and stuff like that than just type the code... In fact I'm kind of trying to figure what part of the game I can do best with MG7 I am making right now since I decided to mix in almost all elements that games have except coding that isn't needed in forum games...』
Have no aspirations whatsoever so I don't know what to pick
BUT I definitely won't pick accounting & maths
I like coding because I like to create things. :)

I'm not sure what would be your best course for getting into that... it almost sounds like writer, but I'm guessing that wouldn't work so well. Becoming a good programmer is still probably your best option. You should probably research the different jobs in the game industry and how to get them.

Ah that sucks naz. All I knew is that I wanted to make things, and probably have something to do with story telling. My first thought was art, but that wasn't going very well for me, so I changed to programming for easy employment/cash, which also develops my skills to be able to make games either at work on independently. I'm hoping I will really enjoy it. :)
Well, as I've said, the thing I'm most interested in would be living things
But.... gah
Also I dislike being a doctor

well, will be out of this place for some time since irl things
Night second, also like your new pic btw. :)

And see you naz, have you looked into various biology fields yet? There is bound to be tons of them.
『Hmmmm... Writer, huh... I started writing a novel around a year ago and already wrote prologue and about a half of chapter 1 (about 20 pages)... I already thought up the story from beginning till the end, I know what to add to write in each chapter (gonna be 5 all in all), but... I'm just too lazy to start typing it all up! >_<』
Well, I had a good idea for you both (Final/Sova) in the future: You both can maybe after your school finish meet, and maybe a game-studio make: Where Final the coding part take would, and Sova the game design part. - Is that no good idea?:goodtea:~>
welcome back,nanashi.

There is many creative people.It's interesting,and I want to see such people 10years later.

see you,Nazaka.

And,I will be out of this place too.see you all!
mady,good luck for your future.I have a dream that is difficult to do too.
I hope that we can laugh together 10 years later.
『Meh, I won't have that kind of a future anyways... I was just talking about only 1 of things I want to do. There is another thing I want to do much much much much much much much more than making games and I will most probably just die in process of trying to do that xD』

『Good night and mad dreams Flight and Ryuta...』
Bye ryuta!

I used to write quite a bit when I was a kid, probably one of the reasons why I've never had much trouble with English.
I didn't finish anything really though. I think my longest one was around... well actually it has to be here somewhere I'll just check... hmm was a bit over 16 000 words. So not all that huge, really. Looking back I think I actually lost some of the data from some of my old ones ;_;
LOL I was so bad at writing, but I guess this was when I was in something like grade 4.
『Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn... I'm getting kinda sleepy... Maybe I should follow those two but go to much madder dreams...:sleepmoon:
Hello, and g'afternoon at you, SB^^!
Later Kyoudai...:goodtea:~>
It's important,I stay here in a little time.
mady,okay.I see.Creating game is just one thing of what you want to do.
Honestly,I want to know everything,but time is limitted.I become a physicist.I want not to die.But I guess when I die,I will be crazy and say " I want to know more!!! I want not to die!!".I want not to die,but if it exist,the end of my life should be like that.It must be unsghtly as a scientist.
But,While I'm living,I want to be laughing.

see you.I was excited today as usual.Thank you.
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