[LPW#67] Kill the @king; , crown the witches.

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/me plans to plan a plan about planning a plan involving him and his plan planning on how to plan this plan

A passing by post. =/
『Could it be that you went to arcade to try to catch a PS3 in ufo catcher..?』
Well just visited it and took a look since I was near an arcade at the time
I honestly am not even sure if there is a PS3 in a UFO catcher in this world ._.
『There are lots of illogical things in this world Nazaka...』
I'm curious as to what will happen to the PS3 once someone catches it
pick it up and let it fall lol
『I think Ryuta said he didn't pick it but move it or something... I'm really curious to know how that works though...』
"G'"afternoon ASF/LPW-people...:goodtea:~>

What's up Kyoudai, is with you a bit better became?...>_>
And g'evening at you, Naza^^!
『I think it actually became worse after I went to the hospital...』
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