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Its indeed quite around here at the moment Unown :3

and Ryuta, most people knew you meant "cook" :P

Hey Dark Angel, pretty nice Sig you got there.
Excellent afternoon shiki. =\

nanashi: My attempt to become a loving Frank has failed epically. It seems no one is content with a loving Frank. =\
Most excellent afternoon, Frankincense. =/

a loving frank is a dangerous, stalking yandere frank.

this conversation has no set direction, king^^
shiki came! shiki is an only person who is not hentai in AS,I guess!
nanashi: My attempt to become a loving Frank has failed epically. It seems no one is content with a loving Frank. =\
Because we've all always mistakes made until now; Where by the duration trolling-fire against each other the contact missed have - But from now will it all different, 100%...:goodtea:~>
I tried consoling sad people but they said it felt weird to get my consolation. Now I'm a very emo Frank. =\

You're wrong ryuta. shiki is a very hentai person. He's just hiding it. =\
I see Franky... Well, I go off again for a break - Later guys...:goodtea:~>
People would feel weird by your consolation if you're having a "=\" experssion the whole time
/me changes frank's face to a 'cheerful' one

later shi
Bye nanashi, have a greatly super excellent day.

If I console people with happy face they'll think I'm delighted at their misery. =\
Oh yeah, you're right
/me configures franks face to be 'flexible', to be able to change between a serious face (not too serious) and a cheerful face

Not sure ryuta, not sure.
He might, ryuta. The only person who is not hentai in ASF, is Frank. =\

/me tries consoling shiki (^Д^)

HI there vivi.

hmm...Is there Not-hentai person?
I guess frank is hentai too!
Have you all ever seen hentai anime,or played hentai game?
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