about defect type of pokemon,I say yes.when old pokemon card damaged from defect type,this damage will be +10 or +20,but new card,it will be *2.tiwice damage is gotten by one attack.To be frank,Pokemon cards is bad game at game's balance. when I met him who creates pokemon card,he say "I want to create a game that children can win against adults".Luck is very important.I don't like such game,but I very like pokemon,thus I play it.
The combination of old and new cards is very strong.
My deck is Machamp oen.He can defeat non-evolved pokemon by one attack speedy.Of cource,I took a measure to meet the situation that they want pokemon to evolve,or some pokemon that Machomp can't attack efficiently.Mew-two is good partner of Macomp in my deck.