[LPW #7.77] I want an imouto (=_=)

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@ Coco - starting a new VN.

@ ZS - Aren't you from Malaysia o.O?
@Kou: I can always see the art when I download the CG and same with the music if I decide to download the soundtracks. :P I mean the story.
hmm 80++ eroges? wow.
great number, considering how you always say your internet is slower than mine, though mine is real bad.
i think my completed+backlog aint even half of that kou's number
No idea, I haven't even started rofl.

Well, i will use impressions from friend who played it.

Story: Mystery plot which will surprise you
Art: Inconsistent and shaky art.
Music: Good
Characters: Weird character archetypes.
hmm, art didnt swing for me, so i guess no for me then.

~still awaiting fortissimo~
Inconsistent art like the distorted arms, burger bigger than your head lol.

Art is not my primary concern. Guess why i am playing this for?xD
no idea....
nekomimi? (if any)

vndb is trolling me, doesnt want to work on my IE 6 anymore. X_X
Only game this month to have a plot close to mystery x_X.

Off to shopping.
so late? waa, i will only go buy supper this time of night. HEHE
thats unless someone is willing to drive me out or something.

about the game, oh i see.
later then
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