[LPW #7.77] I want an imouto (=_=)

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lol, my internet is having problems. It's giving me bull to upload an image for some reason.

@Kou: Not really. She was cute and so were her HCGs but as far as story goes I think Tsubaki's was more played out. That was pretty much the hero end right there. It just goes to show I can't be biased for things like looks all the time now can I? :P
i warned you.. click these here if you still think that they are 'small/medium'



if you still think the same after seeing, welcome aboard. :D
Ugh... now that I take a closer look they do look rather big...

Well, I already started downloading it so I'm not going to take back my thanks. But, I guess I'll trash it afterwards.

'rather big' eh... thats average for me =p

Atelier Kaguya FTW! BANZAIIIII

*Places DFC flag in LPW*

So what are you guys doing now ?
*Sets up AK fortress stronghold*

HOOT-HOOT!~ AK new game, 22th april.
*goes mad*
Mm... I need to find a company to root for. Darn, I need to find out which one delivers the most sweet lo- DFCs...
i am checking out the upcoming games.
according to kou, march and april has too many games, i have to prepare
That's good. I'm already going to be drooling over my case that contains Ar tonelico 3 when I get it~. Seems this month has been good so far.
tessu pre-ordered that game too.

hmm, need more time, and more AK
The states get the game one day faster then I do. ;_;
lol, never played it though.
guess i wun have the time to also...
Doing revision....

@ Coco - Well, like i said the other heroine's route ain't that good. Hmm, not so biased against character design eh o_O. Okkkkkkaaaaaaayyyyy~
lol, i may wanna reverse my stance on AK's rape games, especially chikan densha, been seeing it coming up in at least top 20 eroges last year no matter the categories except story.

hmm, i shall see about that. gotta go. nights
@Kou: lol, you have a Tsun fetish? Okay, I'm only biased 90% of the time for twintails and this VN is in the 10%.

Bye Terumi~
Hmm, i am okay with tsunderes, i like kuuderes more but not until the fetish lvl.
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Lol... not interested in watever deres that much to be honest.

Doroderes > Yanderes.
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