[LPW #7.77] I want an imouto (=_=)

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Nice google search Coco xD.

hmm, chihiro railgun batch?lol
Chihiro, Mazui & Elysium. All about choices, really.
Also the OVA by Elysium, so I guess it's actually four.
Oh, he's talking about which group he should use to upload an OVA... go Mazui!
I go with chihiro xD, still have to compare them though.
I upload all three of them. What'd be the point in saying triple otherwise?
I see... you finally reached 100%.

Somebody think of a topic. >_>
Hmm... Kyuubei.

I think I've seen that signature before, Terumi...
my signature?

i have the same one when i first joined here. you should have saw it back then. the game has a banner campaign right now, so i am advertising~~~~~

Nothing. I haven't seen the anime Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica yet but I heard a lot of heroines died(?) in the anime. Was it because of that rabbit-thing? It looks interesting now that I heard about that... I think I'll wait in till it finish airing.

I need to see more Mahou Shoujo anime.

@Terumi: I see... twintail!
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Actually i have already decided which routes to do already. any guesses from 1st to last?
K, $10 says you do the white haired girl first, brown next, then pink and last the twintail. Did I get it right?
Give me the bust sizes and I'll tell you which order you'll play them.
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