『 I need to go to college in 6 hours but I still need to finish a program, take a shower and I still want to do some stuff for my MG and spam a bit... And thats considering I'm already damn sleepy >_< Where is my time stopping clock..?』
『OMG! OGM! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! SOMEONE FINALLY UPLOADED CORPSE PARTY 2 CHAPTER 1 ON NYAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thats after at least half a year passed since it came out...』
『If you have PSP or Vita you should definitely get the VN, it is totally worth it... In anime they cut away most of important and scary parts and left only gore and few dialogs... It was much more fun in the VN since you could explore school yourself and get bad ends if you were doing stuff wrong... + Anime doesn't have that 3d sound that you get when you play on psp in headphones ;p』
if its a good horror yeah, but i dunno something just went too far for me, like i think it was episode 3, the way they killed off the young character was too much, i dunno something just struck me saying that shouldn't be allowed
『Ehhhhhh? Seriously, why? Thats a horror... Characters are supposed to die there, you know? I dropped the anime after first OVA and decided to remain loyal to the vn so I'm not really sure what happened there though... Wait, was that a character dying against the wall?』
『I think thats quite normal considering stuff that happened to other characters though... Well, if they just showed it openly in anime I can understand why some weak-willed people might feel it a bit too much... Or maybe I'm just too mad and thats why I think its quite normal xD Anyway, you should get full VN, the story of the game is just awesome, I completely love it and even plan to make Corpse Party MG after Dangan Ronpa MG ^_^』