[LPW#74] "Herpes", "herpes me"!

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I took them when I was a kid (medicine that makes you drowsy, not a medicine that will knock you out)
Yeah but still bad to take medicine just to sleep... Causes stuff cuz your body isnt actually tired enough if you have to take medicine (not in all cases...) so you might sleepwalk and stuff...
Sleepwalk? That's odd
Not sure how exactly the medicine affects the body, but it sure does make you tired
Hellos shiki~

It isnt you actually being tired since you arent actually tired.. the medicine is just making you think youre tired and forcing you to sleep...
That's what I mean, though it doesn't seem like so in my posts
Not the body that's tired, but YOU (not the body) are tired (uhg)

『Also, didn't win the haiku contest... T_T』
Well it's late

But i finished :S

I made 4 Version with Ayase Eli Siggy

People which one i should use ?




『Yeah, that FF one... Guess I shouldn't have rushed with the first haiku I thought up xD』
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