[LPW#74] "Herpes", "herpes me"!

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Aaa, I see, peaceful afternoon make you then... And yeah, Mondays are somehow bad; because it begins again a long days until the weekends>.<!

Oh, and gaming time, enjoy it...:goodtea:~>
Yeah, mondays are bad. For me, it seems that only that day seems to be moving at a slow pace.

As for gaming, I am playing on the same laptop just on different monitor. xD

So I can play with my PS2 emulator while chatting around.
It should rather 5 days weekends give and just 2 days week beginnings...

Aaa, so... Your laptop is then with a other monitor linked.

...But have you at least the most platforms on your laptop?...:goodtea:~>
*Nanashi1 cuts at Sky's beloved from anime-charas painted cars's brake cable, where the he so Sky drive lets.:goodtea:~>

Notice: Welcome Sky^^!
No need since my laptop in on my desk and 2 others monitor. One on each side and that should be enough. And I also have 2 laptop on at the moment. xD

My alienware M18x for gaming and my Everyday laptop.

And hello Sky~
Not really...

*Nanashi 1's house is with 2m thick steel-beton wall builded, where the crash from Sky nothing is....:goodtea:~>
Oh, I see... Well then a little multimedia center corner have you, Anti...:goodtea:~>
Yeah, mondays are bad. For me, it seems that only that day seems to be moving at a slow pace.

As for gaming, I am playing on the same laptop just on different monitor. xD

So I can play with my PS2 emulator while chatting around.

What PS2 emulator do you use?
you have an alienware laptop. they're so expensive! if you ever wanna get a home computer, build it yourself. much cheaper
@infamous - I do have a custom made desktop but even then I rarely use it since I'm always on the move so the Alienware is better for me. As for the custom desktop, well, my wife is using it since I have no use to it. Its not like I can't afford it.

@nanashi - I do have one in my basement and with my Samsung 64" TV.

@T-ELOS - PCSX2 of course.
Hmm... 64" then... Well, 192cm screen, not bad Anti... - You're then sure close to the screen in your playtime...:goodtea:~>
*Nanashi1 wonders now on the sound at outside, where then with surprised face to Sky's chreshed car goes, and looks in the car, and asks: "Welcome Sky, I've already on you waited - I've already your beloved milk-coffee made!":goodtea:~>
Welcome Kyoudai^^!
『Poor Sky, he probably suffered many injuries in that crash... How about this gentle owl put you out of your misery?:traitor:
well i'm playing borderlands, and i got this awesome gun, but it always gives me shit when i'm reloading lol
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