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pmsl my gran locked herself out of her car in the town over from me XD
『Of course not in real time... Its just that its 5 hours till it is Tuesday here and I plan to start the MG on Tuesday so I want to at least have general ideas about people's characters and currently it just so happens that the only character I know nothing about is Sky's >_<』

『Yo Ruby...』
thats ok then cause ill probably just be starting to head to bed myself =D
tuesday.............tuesday?! :shocked: you're from the future!!! it's 9:59 a.m. on a monday morning..........
Take it and make it your own and they can never hurt you with it. Fighting it just seems like a massive pain.

...wait you're in GMT-7 as well!?!?

NvM, I see the new mexico bit.
『Pichu is communicating with us from nearby future?!:surprised:

『Fighting with me will bring you much pain, yes...:evillaugh:
haha, i dunno if i got anyone in the same tz as me, but oh well, looking forward to the MG =D dont wanna harm sova he's probably monokuma...
『And suddenly it turns out that you 2 live next door >_>』

『Not monokuma but monoowl~ And you wouldn't even want to touch these sharp feathers ;p』
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