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its brilliant i couldn't stop laughing haha gonna watch redline then mayo chiki
What has something happened? It's been ages since I've watched or read anything Naruto related.
the manga officially destroyed what little respect i had for akatsuki <_<

they made obito good, no idead why they would do that. Stupid naruto logic
/me plans to lurk
if franky says lurkers are evil, and he's planning to lurk, doesn't that count as an admission to franky's evil?
well in most cases of logic yes

but in frankie logic no

frankie is new kind of breed XD

he pretty much does what he pleases

he hates lurkers yet he lurks himself.
he is a mystery

that keep eradicated everytime he shows up


I guess my evil no's no bounds XD

well where erza is concerned, I am not really all that bad XD
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