『Now that I started drawing map from what I drew in a notebook in college a question came to me... Why the hell did I draw a 5x10 meter toilet that is even bigger than classroom..?』
『Nah, not 1 stall... Its a whole toilet with a washroom and room with stalls separated by a wall... But still, I think 8x10 meters was a bit too much for xD』
Hmm... idk =w= Im a bad judge of distance and my brain is a bit too dead to think how large that would be... but sure if you say its too big then change it... xD I guess there would be toilets on every floor anyway?
There are also other animes like LH like [B]hack//Sign[/B] series and their sequels which I watched about 9 years ago and it was quite good at that time
『Same here... Decided to watch first episode (cause I try to watch all first eps of shows unless they are reaaaaally not appealing at all) expecting a fail and was quite pleasantly surprised. It even became one of my favorites of this season~...』
『Hmmmmmm... I just got an awesome idea, but... How awesome is it really... I thought up 2 variations of School Floor 1. 1 with Gym somewhere at the side, 2 big Toilets at different sides of school and changing room/shower room near Gym and 2. Gym is in further center straight from the entrance to school, some classrooms that were vertical are sideways and changing room, shower room and toilets combined near Gym... Which sounds better?』