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I have a copy of Ljermontov keeping my desk straight. It makes me feel sad, but it's a necessary sacrifice.
Hmm... to do this the lazy way or not... well i dont have much of a choice i guess....
No, not really, but if you're a guy you should read a book called Carmilla.
It's yuri, but like profound yuri from 19th century...
『Hmmmmm.... Its a book... Ah well, I guess my imagination should be able to make it anime-style in my head...』
『Won't read it right now too... Too busy with different stuff... Maybe later...』
I just read through the synopsis of the book. I don't like how it ends.

But adapting the same premise a rather sweet anime could be made. Kukuku.
『Nuuuuu... Don't make me want to go read yuri vns/manga, I have MG to deal with >_<』

『Yo Popcorn-chan...』
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