[LPW #78] Spam Haven Academy

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well... i hope its as easy as you say... anyway gonna disappear for a bit, cya's soon
well... i hope its as easy as you say... anyway gonna disappear for a bit, cya's soon
Well, I've (without lie) only less than 2 weeks taken. - This was fun...^^!

Anyway; bye we see us then again, Zad...:goodtea:~>
there are so many kanji i can't even remember them i watch the thread [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; that you send me i am starting to get the idea.

also at 1 hour from now i have to go away, because the Cosplay Wishes event is at 7:30 and i need 1 hour of walking and taking the bus to be there!

I pretty much learned hiragana in a few days bored in class in highschool. Katakana I found a bit harder, but not too bad.

Also: I'm pretty sure I still have a bunch of Japanese resources in my drop box I uploaded for other people. Ask if you want.
A cosplay event eh? Sounds neat, maybe post some pics in the IRL pics thread :)
PING PONG PANG PONG! Attention all spammers! This is your headmistress speaking. I'd like to announce that pichu655889 has reached the 2500th post and has the right to graduate from Spam Haven Academy! Congratulations! ^_^

As for the rest of you guys...YOU WILL ALL BE PUNISHED! :evillaugh:

Just kidding! XD Anyway. Congrats again to pichu655889 and you may now leave the academy and host the next LPW! ^_^
I guess that's where Dark disappeared to too

He mentioned to me that he will be there but he will not participate!

Also today has his name day. The saint that was given after his name has this saint his birthday so i don't think so that he will stay for so long!
It was supposed to be 5000 until the mods decided to reduce it to 2500. (And removed the Execution part! >_<)
Ehhhhhhhhh?!?!?!?!? I won again :cheering:

So sorry ana :( I know you wanted to win

Er ok I'll get to making a new thread you people continue chatting here until that's done
Notice: G'gratulation to next win Pichu^^!
What game? Isn't suppose to be something like a chat?

LPW = Last Post Wins

The first post sets a number that is the winner, and the person who posts that number wins. It is mostly just a chat though. :)
Well yes,

LPW stands for Last Poster Wins

If you read the first post of this thread

Other than that it's just a place for everyday banter

Oh wait, it was "Post"?
A work from Key/Maeda-sensei has me again grabbed, better said: Little Busters!~R. anime...:crushed:

No. I'll on my chance still wait - Make it you^^!

Ok then I'll go ahead and start the thread.

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