[LPW #78] Spam Haven Academy

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I think I may have gone to far...

damnit, I'm getting emotional now....CURSE YOU KEY!!!:deadsad:

if you find this suitcase... :crushed:

that song was the straw that finally released my tears :happytears: well not a whole lot, but it made my eyes watery you bastard :objection:
and if you've watched a fair amount of futurama episodes, you should know there's a decent amount of sad parts. like this

I'm going to go off and cry...I mean sleep now. :bye:

I shouldn't have done all that, now I'm thinking of sad scenes like the hokage's funeral...

...that's like that dog that was always at the train station even after his master died. He was always there waiting for him to return.
Well, I don't want that XD

Does it play the same way as othello does?
You've never been around for one of my Go spiels eh?
No it does not, you place stones on the board with the goal of surrounding the most territory (intersections enclosed by your stones). If you enclose another person's stones entirely (both inside and out), you capture them and remove them from the board. The game ends either then someone resigns, or both people agree that there are no more beneficial moves.
So othello's aim can be described as "your enemy is your friend, once captured"
But as for Go's "Capture thy enemy, and do not let them escape"
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