[LPW #8] New members come here to chat!!

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that remind me, hey Shito, have you kissed? (on the lips)
i did kissed my waifu (and more) why ask?

alright you win, I'm here i should resume my dominance over moeness again XD
who is your waifu? I mean real girl >.>
Hopefully my first kiss has been taken before. and she was not my GF before just a friend. and besides Sora has been my waifu eversince /人◕‿‿◕人\
??? I don't understand. You have kissed or not?
woa woa woa, that's unexpected~

How was it ^^ your heart beating like crazy?
i wouldn't be shocked if he turned to a completely different person...when did it happen???
a classmate in high-school and she's got big stuff with a pretty face. don't ask how she kissed me coz it's embarassing >.<
there's a game call: Lucky or Unlucky

I decided to change it to: Lucky or SuperLucky

Because the protagonist is a lucky bastard~

So are you

Now tell us how did it happen
Shito, where are ya now.


Why? >.>
i want to imagine shito as a guy who watches H and plays eroge but doesn't have any experience in those stuff...
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