[LPW #8] New members come here to chat!!

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Kou-chan!! /me hugs Kou-chan
What happened to Teruteru~?

Hello Jinrei!!
/me pats Nemu chan~

No idea, wait till he tell us then.
/me hugs Nemu
2 moar pages...
cant get myself to study >.>

...gonna double, triple post and so on...
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good evening everyone or day ~...

hopes everyone is doing fine... .

. . .
man look at you guys spamming like there's no tomorrow, it's always like this >.>
Rofl check, isn't it good if all of us are always like this so spammy so chitty chatty? XD Now that I think of it, I wish everyone is here to chat >"<
It's done now, so state what you want for the prize
i m so proud to be a spammer on this thread....~

who's the winner by the way?. . .
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