[LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

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Well, we've still about 200 posts, where until midnight actually makeable be should...:goodtea:~>
Hm one anime that i will be watching appeared Witch Craft Works Pre Air 1 i downloaded and i found it nice :)
Nah, it will be still half a day before we reach it.........
I shall never be yours Shin... never... :runhappy:

I should reduce the number of numbers in my name... :sowwy:
pichu69...may as well change your title to sky's apprentice while you're at it.
/me six-five-five-eight-eight-nine's Shin's great ball

Your balls are powerless before me, Shin. :lmao:
I said your balls are powerless before me. Stop shooting them at me. :shockmenft:

I am the pichu of the future!
Of course you'll for us alway than Pichu stay, just the numbers...:goodtea:~>
What about pichu1? Famous ones?

You could create a clan full of desire and glory :goodtea:
[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; You could just go with pichu. It's not taken.
/me throws a premium ball at pichu.
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