[LPW #82] There is a house, down in ASF, they call the rising...loli.

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Obedient!? :raging:

/me dumps popcorn on pichu's chair. The throws a pokeball at pichu.
so ending is finally over.........

:hi: KOS

what about the hippos? I've heard that they made a big diplomatic act with the griffaes and the squirrels
No one trusts the hippos since they betrayed the crows in the great crow-raven war of 38.:goodtea:
Unfortunately, it will gradually start slowing down...........Real life is calling
I am merely purging the world of filth. It just so happened that Shin had a handy container nearby.
Because of urge to change the name 2 days ago or so.................
/me throws another pokeball at pichu.

That was good popcorn, damn you! :objection:
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