[LPW *86] This LPW Is In Honor Of The Goddess Who Got Me Into Anime!

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thank you, nazaka. i will get well soon.

mmh.. why is everyone playing kankore? I am too lazy to find out how to play >.<

aaand.. i hate plots like this. o/

^^^plots like this^^^
Winning the lottery to get into Kancolle is a pain, waking up 6-7 in the morning in England was not fun >.>

the Japanese exam was bad, everyone came out thinking why there were materials in there that we weren't taught, but the rest went OK I think

Nazaka, Exams at this time period is normal for Uni in England.
Lucky for me I'm just a hour behind Japan ^_^

For some reason samyeung sounds Korean to me
Just be first, and you should be fine
Moreover the number of slot each lottery is increasing, back when I was in september it's only... 2000 or something (which, is gone surprisingly fast)
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