[LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

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/me sets the rock on fire with a bottle of eternal gasoline and flaming Satori!
If you say so I don't think that's the case.

Out in a waking nap :goodtea:

...I wish I was going to bed instead of work...:sowwy:

i'm glad you're going to work instead!! just for not believing in me :sowwy: there's no way i an sleep 12 hours straight!! i can't even sleep for 8 =/
well i guess it's because of work. i just find it hard to sleep for that long. and to think, a few months ago i was able to sleep all day
Time for me to try to wake up. Coffee... need coffee...

Hi all! :hi:
i'm glad you're going to work instead!! just for not believing in me :sowwy: there's no way i an sleep 12 hours straight!! i can't even sleep for 8 =/
I'm just jesting with you nee-chan...:sowwy:...though you don't inspire much confidence when you'll lie about who was in that one set of yours and are known to nap often.
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