[LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

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For those to whom it is morning in their time zones, or in their present frames of mind, good morning! :hi:
『Hmmmmmm... Maybe I should make another animated set of Asagi...』
『Wh... What did you mix in?! Poison?! I know its poison!!!』 /me throws the box of sweets in the fire!
You don't want poison, you want something gross, like candy scabs.
/me teleeports sensei to a different universe where the earth contains billions of sammy's, but they're all dead
Doggonit... if I go to bed now, by the time I get up, the LPW will be over. :(
Hmm... Hello friends!:goodtea:~>

Notice: To the american side: G'morning^^!
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