[LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

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I haven't seen an episode nor read a chapter of D-Frag but I am utter captivated by Roka...
d-frag is nice i guess, but i haven't noticed myself really laughing out (there aren't too many that made me).
d-frag is nice i guess, but i haven't noticed myself really laughing out (there aren't too many that made me).

Same for me~ Although, I lolled a lot with Nichijou xD
Only 2 or 3 times for me. But I still find it funny nonetheless :3
Well screw you nii-yan, I'm going to be loud all night and keep you awake with my noise.
well she looks better not all chibi looking.

goodnight brother :bye: i may be taking a nap soon myself
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