[LPW #9] feat. Checkmate the pure and innocent

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So Quite....

*Loads my L96A2 in case anything happens, with the M4A1 ready on the side and a fully loaded Desert Eagle 10" Barrel*

I will still prefer my good old katana and maybe my old friend, the M16. xD
M16A2 huh? ;P I prefer to have at least one long range, one medium and one close range.
The only long range gun I have ever handle is a C14 timberwolf rifle in the army xD
Maybe I'll go to the US and ask my uncle to go into a shooting range to try up some rifle xD
Mind you the first three are sniper rifles, the last one is automatic shotgun
Hmm... I didn't check the release date lol and I don't think I will soon. o_O

Anyway, both are uploaded. :P
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