[LPW #90] Yayyy! It's Summer!!!

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yeah, it killed me once

minute 10. i'm very thankful that i'm a good sniper

Plot twist: Frank was the doc :surprised:

Now cooking and watching Nichijou (FINALLY BD version :cheering:)
Thanks Frank! But I got a super acid in my stomach which can absorb nearly everything :cheering:

But will it absorb the SFP (Shin's Fried Pichu)? We'll see
ShinTech Industries has many pichu oriented food products. All conform to a high standard. You should have no problems with my fried pichu.

Hopping over to my surface. I need to shutdown my PC so my power supply and ram wont be hot when I start putting together my AWESOME new PC.
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But it works right? So do I look at things. If they work, they do what they should do :cheering:

Finally my food is ready. Such time wasting to cook...
If it's not marked purchased I haven't bought it yet. My tax refund ran out...:sowwy:
Fight for the rights of pichu everywhere! Refrain from consumption of pichu and pichu-related products starting today!
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