[LPW #91] Yuri LPW is best LPW.

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『My dream of this city being bombed might just come true... Fun...』
Everyone else than Germany is my guess... :foreveralone:

/me throws pantsu to Sky

wear something before you get a cold!
Wil E caught the Roadrunner once, but he didn't know what to do and let him go :P

Yes fans, Wile E Coyote really did catch the Roadrunner once (not a joke,) but... well, see for yourself.

lulz @ Götze

This is what I mean. When Götze plays in the middle, he scores. He's an ongoing legend. On the wing he's missing extremely the pace like from Reus/Podolski... and right wing Özil? Well, a classic playmaker on that position... meh... That's why we won't win the World Cup. Löw will do that shit in the World Cup again and again till we miss the finals because Italy...

...and our best generation since the early 90's will miss the opportunity to complete their potential! I guess this is the last tournament for Schweinsteiger, Klose, Mertesacker and maybe Lahm

Nope nope nope nope....

Yes, yes yes...
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