[LPW #93] We've had Yuri and Loli LPWs..so..now it's time for the Waifu LPW!

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Yeah, Brittania, hence the Lynette Bishop waifu :P

I do it cause you're nii-yan :3
/me pats nii-yan on the head, then pushes him onto the bed and tucks him in.

Scared of sea travel...
:sigh: I'm getting sick, you see?

So you didn't know what I meant with Germany? I'm from there...
@dream, just pat unown gently then do something ero.

Yeah, I have no problem with planes, I just can't stand boats or deep water.
*DreamCa7ch3r pats unown and runs
No ero!
Boats are great, I hate cars/buses. They make me barf
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