[LPW #94] Since I couldn't think of a LPW Theme, I went with Final Fantasy since I am currently playing Final Fantasy X HD

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/me successfully hides.

@sky I mean on the main page. I'm fine in the forums since that is how I remember people anyways :D
By the power vested in me by imouto, I now pronounce [MENTION=79737]cram-imouto[/MENTION] and [MENTION=41391]sky-imouto[/MENTION], Ecchi and ecchi.
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/me takes care of all the imouto and secures some imouto jiru
LOL, $5 Large Pizzas everyday, to bad they aren't that good =/

We used to not have one because someone was selling crack out of the drive-thru. I wouldn't say they were bad just not great. You get what you pay for.
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