To me April, is a month that represents, freshness, Air, light shining forth signaling the start of light, life and vitality, and brighter times. With emphasize on brightness and lightness of Air.
And also Sakura blossoms OFC~!
It's also quite a a bit special to me personally, and also the time that a bunch of members joined ASF to begin with. So it really has some strong connotations of 'Start'. 'Genesis' and 'Beginning'. Much feelings, and relief, with concepts of Ideal light of mind. Sounds obscure perhaps^
Congrats [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]~san Your a perfect match for APRIL, I don't even have words. Nice comeback, just come and take the LPW, thats what I call last moment timing hihi.
Edit: though I feel almost a guilty to say all that if it has a tendencey to get you down under the weather, take some lemongrass tea and think of yellow ! Also wear a yellow scarf around your neck while contemplating eastern philosophy and enjoy all the enjoyment you have given others. yeah and sit in an all out lotus position if you CAN ! Looking all zen, and radiating yellow rays of light that smells like citrus, and all the cute little beep beep birds will come sit on you, ruffling up their cute thick little feather suits and warming themselves in your yellow radiating light. What do I even say now.... YAY that so nailed it !