[LPW #99] Welcome to the Ultimate Ecchi Playground

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Watching now finally No Game No Life. It's just beautiful and I hope this isn't getting a worse end like the most anime
Hmm hellos unown =w=

I dont draw ecchi ;p Nude models are typically not ecchi =w= Too much fantasy going through the head of non artists ;p
Im doing random paintings =w= Needs to finish a ton by monday...
There he has finally arrived :goodtea:

:hi: Shin

@samy: You're an artist and drawing nude models?
Nude models are nothing like people imagine imo =/ Been drawing them since second year of high school and nope nothing =w= Besides its not all females... =w=
Its so much easier to draw the body without clothing though xD And is pretty much for seeing the forms for when you actually put clothing over =w= Otherwise itll all look funneh =w=
So you draw them out of your head?

I can draw a stickman but that's all I can draw
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