Mafia Game 2: Angel Beats Version (Revised Full Game)

Phase 34 Night~
SSS fulfilled the conditions to offer and alliance with SC~
Iwasawa respawns~
Otonashi respawns~
Shadow Naoi is attacked and killed~
Yuri was attacked by four shadows and turned into a shadow~
Chaa was attacked by a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked by two shadows~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Noda was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Shadow turned into a npc~

Phase 35 Day~
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lol.....what now sammy?...should we lynch as usual or do something 'bout alliance?
Hmm could try adn clear away the shadows ;p They do have someone controlling them to some degree ;p
hmm.....okay....lynch first maybe [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [vote to lynch kactaplb]
Hmm after you guys clear the shadows? ;p Could do away with the pms for attacks if SC accepts the alliance~ Wouldnt really matter after anyhow ;p
The shadows must killed will, where I with the SC for a moment a alliance make...~
Guess we need to survive a hile longer.............
I apologize once again for being absent, school is really becoming a bitch.....

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [Vote to lynch kactaplb]
Hmm yes alliance to kill the shadows ;p

Its fine [MENTION=27374]eien[/MENTION]; Just ccome by when you can~
Phase 35 Day~
SC accepts the alliance~
Shadow Shiina was lynched~
Hisako respawns~
Shadow Naoi regenerates~
Shadow Naoi was attacked and killed~
Iwasawa was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~
Chaa refills all ammunition~

Phase 36 Night~

Basically now you just work on killing off all the shadows and figuring out who is behind all the madness ;p
Hmm dont have to go through pms to declare attacks anymore~ If you want to attack you could just put it on the thread~ Unless you dont want to? xD

[MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION];

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