Mafia Game 2

*renano eats it goes to stomach then

/me takes it and eats the sandwich
Thanks for the food and sweets. :3

/me hugs everyone

I drew for so long that I barely ate. Just had some water and a few pieces of papaya. xD

That's why there are 'starving artists'. jk
Omg. I find it funny how there's so much unrelated spam

Anyways I'll give that a thought about scraping the two roles

Got to see which are they first but I don't got a laptop atm

Also sorry about not sending the list and roles out yet. I've been busy lately
/me hugs ojou sama~

Hmm just have a little pile of snacks around while drawing? xD
@ Ralium

Thanks. I'll eat. ^^

Those who concentrate on anything tend to not eat.

So when I'm doing something important, I often don't eat because I'm focused with what is in front of me.

Lol, I was typing. Hidden or not, I type and need to think.

@ Sam

Yeah, some food and drinks can be messy.

I don't eat or put snacks around me while I'm working or drawing. Not even in drawers.

I also discovered numerous unused pencils of all grades (B, HB, H, 2H etc.)

Lots of new paints, brushes, charcoal, markers, etc.

At least $500 worth or more. xD
Rena doesn't play when it comes to art..
I always wanted to paint one of Meolas artworks on a canvas..
Sadly I can't paint XD
Hmm i eat... well actually its quite easy to forget to eat and stuff... kind of like with having fun~

Unused as in you put them somewhere and forgot? xD

I have some stuff buried too...
hidden or not eh you are hidden dummy /me slaps renano on the head

not eating eh /me takes a ruler and hits renano's tongue

you discovered lost items eh /me grabs renano's cheek and pulls it to the window near her and ...!!!
hidden or not eh you are hidden dummy *Ralium slaps renano on the head

not eating eh *Ralium takes a ruler and hits renano's tongue

you discovered lost items eh *Ralium grabs renano's cheek and pulls it to the window near her and ...!!!

You know... doing all that doesn't faze me because I've done them all to myself.

@ Sam

Lol, yeah. I forgot about them. Just found them. xD

Eat and play... I prefer sleeping than eating or playing.
Hmm well so you wouldnt have to go visit the art store anytime soon? xD

Sleeping... i like sleep too~ though sleep and play are about the same for me...

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