they could have made the fuuko route longer if they wanted to. have fuuko slowly starting to recover like she did in the anime, but with the romance twist
Okay I'm awake now and its: 2 for Nanashi from Hinode and Kacta 4 for Hinode from Nanashi, Kim, ImEsAu and Eien 3 for Nazaka from Nawi, Samye and Musangbeku
I didn't read all that was posted on previous pages cause there were a lot of clannad spoilers... So if there were any questions for me ask again...
I just hate it when games crash with some unknown errors... Especially if its a VN I've waited for a long time... Why did opening start not in the game window but in new ActiveMovie Window? What the hell does this "signal:11" window means? This is why I don't like games on PC...
It doesn't seem that other people encountered this problem... + Its the first time I have this error and I don't even know what might have caused it... I searched in google but couldn't find anything similar to what happens to me...
Oh well... There are a few things I didn't try yet so I think I will now...
Its already set on that. I tried changing even the system's language to that but still no result... I'm sure the reason is that opening starts in another window, but...
Probably use a jap OS like natsuzora no perseus?
Though is the problem only the op opening in a different window? (no other crashes or anything?)
Well, when opening should begin in game's window it goes black, then creates a window called "signal" with text "signal:11" and "ok" option, then creates a ActiveMovie Window with opening playing inside, when opening finishes nothing happens, if I press ok in signal window game crashes...
Hello Ryzen111, Could you reupload 俺の瞳で丸裸! 不可知な未来と視透かす運命 駿河屋特典録り下ろしドラマCD「甘く甘く甘くケーキよりも」? The uploaded files are wrong(ラブピカルポッピー OST&Drama CD). Thank you.