『[MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ; You do know that making the windows so they are unable to be open is against the regulations, right? Without opening windows in summer it will be too hot and the classroom would stink with sweat... And in case of emergencies like fire windows should be able to be opened as well...』
Actually there are some schools that have windows that can't open (most of them is like that over at my place)
maybe it's your country's regulation and not his?
[MENTION=41434]Zaka[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13039]Mimi[/MENTION]; my school had un-openable windows!! but that's mostly because my school didn't have any windows to open
alright, but remember, i'm gonna drill in [MENTION=41434]zaki[/MENTION]; into your brain so you respond to it, like i did with madsova and calling him mimi lol