Mafia Game 5: Highschool of the Dead... Class is in session

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『As if you aimed for the exact moment I left to shop for food...』
2 Vote For MadSova
2 Vote For Fear
3 Vote For Hinode
2 Vote For Sky
2 Vote For infamous (Iffy)
2 Vote For Musang

Has Voted Sova, Fear, Hinode, Musang, Sky

Has Some Votes Left After Voting , Musang (1), Hinode (1)
『I think we don't have any school days at all with all the zombies and stuff...』
3 Vote For MadSova
2 Vote For Fear
3 Vote For Hinode
2 Vote For Sky
3 Vote For infamous (Iffy)
3 Vote For Musang

Has Voted Sova, Fear, Hinode, Musang, Sky, Iffy

Has Some Votes Left After Voting , Musang (1), Hinode (1)
also, i want to use my hidden 4th vote to throw a rock at [MENTION=28672]beku[/MENTION]!!
『Why throw a rock at Beku? We would have probably died from hunger if not for him...』
That was intense.

Since there was a 4 way tie I decided to flip coins to see who would get the spots using
Each person got 4 coin flips.

Round one
Sova: 3 coin wins out of 4
Hinode: 2 coin wins out of 4
Infamous: 2 coin wins out of 4
Musang: 2 coin wins out of 4

Got first spot: MadSova

Round two
Hinode: 1 win out of 4
Infamous: 1 out of 4
Musang: 2 coin wins out of 4

Second spot: Musang

Final Round! The Loli off!
Hinode: 2 coin wins out of 4
Infamous: 4 coin wins out of 4

Third spot: Infamous

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ;
[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ;
[MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] ; PM me your spots!!!
『Why throw a rock at Beku? We would have probably died from hunger if not for him...』

because it's beku, and he always tackles me, so i need to pay him back somehow :P

i'll P.M. you later sinny, i'm a little busy right now
"Got first spot: MadSova
Second spot: Musang
Third spot: Infamous"

Coincidence? I think otherwise

Spots for the day action
『4 coin wins out of 4... Looks like Infamous got quite lucky at the end...』
[MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] can u bring back SB so i can kill him by my own 2 hands?
nazaka his taunting is working

ill join civ side if u bring him back and let me kill him
lol i highly doubt sin would bring him back though so i can kill him plus it would take a while to find him again so not worth my time i think but i will kill him one day in some mg
Oh yeah... his body is now bits and pieces of flesh scattered throughout the school XD

Your next MG? if selv participates that is
no when im not host and he isnt either, plus im thinking to do a sign up and let people vote for 1 out of the 3 next games,

SB's sword art online mg
My cluedo style type mg or
Maddies Dangan Ronpa style mg

that way its fair, then once the winners game is done, people will vote for the next one and then the loser will go last to host
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