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『Boku nanka...』
『Boku nanka...』
『Boku nanka...』
『Dakedo masaka Togami-kun ga anshi-scope made motteta to wa ne~』
humu...i can mainly understand what ur saying if you put the letters in english but...
Hmm it is normally harder for me to understand with the letters in English. :P
『Nazaka, that part is english Fine Play so I think its better that you make it like that? Just like I did with scope.』

well i've just got the sound of it down in my head which is why im able to understand

let me guess you have actually studied the language right pyre?
well i've just got the sound of it down in my head which is why im able to understand

let me guess you have actually studied the language right pyre?

Yeah, and I learned the alphabets before I learned any words really (bored in class in high school), so I recognize the words faster in Japanese for the most part. :)
『Its faster and easier for me to understand if I read kanji too now...』
yahari ne~ sou omou tan da yo ne~

maybe i should piuck up the hiragana again soon...i only memorized half of it >.>
Alright then,

Chou koukou kyuu no minna ga
shitoiu zetsubou ni tachi mukau!

I'm fine whether it's kanji or not w
I'm not really great with Kanji, but when I know them they help a lot, even for words I don't know. I know a lot of them individually, but I am still often really bad when it comes to compounds. :(
『Hmmmm... I think its better to say like this: "shi to iu zetsubou" since it pretty much means "despair called death"...』

『Ah, nante subarashikute』
『nante utsukushii』
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