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Lol you mean the odd feeling when you look at a word and its spelled right but just doesnt make sense to your mind? xD

Hmm... now how would you get that jetpack in the mansion? :goodtea:
It would have to be stream powered using extremely high about of water pressure, and you wouldnt be able to left it.
Hmm... extremely highly pressured steam... O.o Sounds a bit like that steam boy thingy xD
Hmm... dunno =w= It was just about that odd kid that got his hand on some thing of compressed steam =w=
Let's reply to this line by line because it's easier w

Funny, Nazaka says my imagination has gone wild... Yet he doesn't deny it.
He also doesn't confront me about it... Now why is that.
I don't think I'm that intimidating, so why doesn't he message me and defend himself?

Deny what exactly??
I'm sure the question I asked demands an answer from you, but I guess it's my fault for not mentioning you w
Message? You mean PM? Why would I PM you??

well since I didn't mention you at the time of the question I asked, then :
Surely you have an evidence pointing me as the killer, then why didn't you just show the evidence to all of us so that people will vote for me?
But instead you told sova to convince people (This seems to be like a joke [the small talk between you and sova] when I read it XD)

If you want to protect yourself Nazaka don't try to belittle me with your delusional bigotry.
I don't have the patience nor the time anymore for such games.
Be more straight forward.

Belittle? Now when did I do that, you are in fact pretty important as I may die due to your vote

Straightforward as in.. the question above?
Basically he means prove youre not or die? :goodtea: He really doesnt need to have any proof to lynch since is guess work... maybe also a bit too early in game to know for sure =w=
So show the evidence that shows I'm innocent?
I would like to do that but I still have to wait
well there is another one but it will be rule breaking w

True, anyone can literally vote for anyone w
But still, his tone seems like he's sure I'm the killer
Hmm... youre the most likely suspect? :goodtea: And if you have to wait... well i guess that just... wont work well for you...
I'm the most likely suspect huh?
Now that you mention it, I guess I could be a suspect XD

Hence I can't prove my innocence yet
or I can use my spear
[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; I have given my reasons if you read back.
And when you belittle someone it doesn't change the status of their importance.

Sin of course, imagination gone wild

and what's the extension for again?
Imagination gone wild is just a polite way of calling me delusional.
So I see that as you belittling me.

In regards to having Sova convince one other person.
This is a recommendation that I would given to anyone.
I see Sova a threat, but I see you as a greater one.
I don't trust your story, and everything you have done up to this point has made me trust you less.
well than, it's been a while since i've visited this thread. how's everything goin at the MG right now?
Oh wow, I think you misunderstood the "imagination gone wild" part XD (my fault of course w)
I actually meant me myself, I became paranoid that you are after me and so I made a comment about myself (really should've put a "my" in there)

So uh is the "reasons" in the first line of your post referring to why you didn't show us the evidence pointing me as the killer or..?

Well that I can't change, can only give reasons to try and make you trust me but in the end it's your choice
and then suddenly my spear comes in and your trust/distrust will be resolved w
Not really, there's a "way" (needs an action) to prove my innocence
but if everyone wants to see a proof ASAP and doesn't care about breaking rules, then the spear is the one to go (I'm sure most of you will know what this is XD)
Like how sin didn't pass judgement on me posting them w
Well the "way" is enough to proof my innocence, maybe use the spear to... break? any doubts w
I keep on calling it spear
"Spear" should be the term used in every MG for very powerful things that may/may not be rule breaking w
Like how sin didn't pass judgement on me posting them w
Well the "way" is enough to proof my innocence, maybe use the spear to... break? any doubts w
I took it more of delusions of grandeur :P
Those type of things I tend to ignore.
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