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to thoses who read this, ill be doing the next fazes really quick. if ur slow at replying, then that means u will always have unfished actions. on a side note: u cant plan ahead because i will find a spot to stop u in ur tracks one point, also some of u are lacking sleep regardless who u are, there can be penlties coming up soon, battles and deaths in the mansion causes stress and makes u more sleepy/tried. and so far whats happen with the doors slamming shut will cause panic. ill be adding some kind of stress metre now. if u lose it: u may go into depression, go on a rampage or kill yourself.

Player1: [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION]
Player2: [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]
Player3: [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]
Player4: [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]
Player5: [MENTION=29827]ogikumo[/MENTION]
Player6: [MENTION=39716]choonagi[/MENTION] (dead )
Player7: [MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION] (dead)
Player8: [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]
Player9: [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] (dead)
Player10: [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] (dead)
Player11: [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION]
Player12: [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]
Player13: [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION]
Player15: [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]
Player16: [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]
Player17: [MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] (dead)
Player18: [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION] (missing)
Player19: [MENTION=11639]Somerefresco[/MENTION] (dead )
Player20: [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] (dead )
why.... try it.. before you regret.... nothing hurt just ask.. well in my case.. if you near her.. better talk with her directly.. or saying hi.. because when sending messages its kinda not to good.. if you want seriious to her..
Hmm... do people who not respond just sleep even with all that stuff? Something along the lines of giving up being able to get out and sleep?
『Well, as long as Alice is alive I won't give up on hope and won't despair! And if she dies... I won't stop until the world is destroyed...』
More romance pep talks on ASF eh? Am I the only one here who doesn't care about being single? XD

Anyways nothing ventured nothing gained. Just say something manly with confidence :menft:
more like i want to but im a shy person, i met her a few times but i havent given her my number and we have chat and have lots in common (anime, reading, dont like drinking much, like to go to movies and so on) but i always think negative about these things always thinking i may get rejected....
Think about it this way, that is the worst possible thing that can happen.
Being rejected sucks, but always wondering what could have been is far worse.

If being reject is the worst possible outcome, then, you should have much to worry about :).
Think about it this way, that is the worst possible thing that can happen.
Being rejected sucks, but always wondering what could have been is far worse.

If being reject is the worst possible outcome, then, you should have much to worry about :).

also [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION];, at the very least, at for me, there's a sense of relief, even when you do get rejected. well, i might just be weird in that aspect, but i feel relieved nonetheless
So basically while considering outcomes you are a nervous wreck, and just want the result? XD
So basically while considering outcomes you are a nervous wreck, and just want the result? XD

that's what i had to do last time!! but i wasn't a wreck. i was however, in emotional turmoil. she waited 3 days before giving me an answer :happytears:
If she had to think for that long... I might just call it off regardless of her answer... The need to consider it that long is a bad sign that either it wont work out in the long term, or there is something serious else that she should be spending time on.
eh, i already knew the answer before i asked. and she's a nice girl. she probably knew her answer when i asked, but she just didn't want to tell me no
because i'd be disappointed in myself if i didn't. and it definitely was worth seeing her get all flustered lol
yup. and she gets embarrassed when i bring it up. isn't it pretty messed up that it's easier for me to laugh about it then it is for her? lol
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