It was good till Sammy got really busy with school work.... Well, lot of forum game get made all the time and it get push back cuz peoples loose interest in it... The only game that ended with no sequel to it was the male vs female one....
If your male you +1 to it and if your female -1.... Like that and the starting number was 1000.... Male it to zero they win and if female get it to 2000 they win... It was like a ratio of how many male and female were here....
Lets see... Before I left it was around 950.... When I came back it was around 730.... Then me and Sammy brought it up to 2000 in a month... So yea.... Plus it was a unfair game to start with....;p
Well... There was a couple of females in the game.... Everyone no my gender and I opt to help out the females.... Sammy been on it when I left... He was a one man army that prevent it from drop lower.... If it was the opposite the game would have ended already....
『 I get that you have no intention of helping me but let me make 4 things clear: 1! MAD HATTER ISN'T MAFIA! 2! THERE ARE LOTS OF MAD HATTERS, WHICH ONE?! 3! I NEED ANIME AND NOT FILM! And the most important... I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO TELL ME WHOSE HAT, I FREAKING ASKED YOU TO GIVE ME THE HAT!!!! 』