Making Games. Have anyone ever give it a thought?

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Elite Member
Oct 31, 2010
Yes, making games. Letting yourself fantasize about games like FF13 being made with your own hands? OK, that's extreme, I know, but at least have that idea of making games ever crossed your mind?

Especially you can find tools that can let you easily build your game nowadays. Think RPG Makers and YoYoSoft's Game Maker engine.

I've been working on this nifty little project in RPG Maker VX. I can't say it's good but at least I'm having a lot of fun in solo-developing it.

So? Whaddaya say? :)
I've given it plenty of thought. Have several ideas for games that aren't technically challenging to make, I just haven't had time to do so. I also have a freind quite connected with the Indie games scene (or so he says), and been planning to make something in Unity Engine sometime, but sort of hard to right now, since hes doing his architecture degree across the country in Halifax atm lol.

I've also once talked about trying to make a Visual novel or something with this amazing artist I knew....but then he got engaged and I don't see him around too much now lol.

Also, I had a freind who years ago made some amazing stuff in RPG Maker 2000 (he made an entirely custom battle system in it!). If anyone is interested I can try and see if I still have it to dig up.

Heck, if some people here had the motivation/time to work on something here, I wouldn't be totally opposed to pitching in. :3
Any games based on Korean War. Simulation, RTS, TBS, FPS and many more.
Remember Korea! It is the first war that United Nations ever involved directly.
True that the major player on UN side was the American, but they all fight under United Nations flag.

Sins of the Solar Empire's clone, based on Macross universe. But the player can design their own ships and mechas.
You can control your empire directly, and command the fleet during battle. Or if you wanna challenge, take command on one of your ship, or be a Variable Fighter pilot.
You could choose races like Human, Zentradi, Meltrandi, Supervision Army(Varauta Forces' predecessor) and Vajra.
haha, that would be awesome (the macross one) though I can't help but think it would be rediculous to balance. Galaxy angel Eternal Lovers sorta does something similar as far as individual control goes, but without the Sins grand scale

And I agree on the Korean war, people forget about it too easily. Heck, if it weren't for shows like MASH, I doubt anyone would care at all today. I know most Canadians don't even know we were there at all. The stupid games industry just skipped it and went to Vietnam, probably cause like most forms of shitty pop culture media, it has to be all about AMERICA. [sarcasm]If its not, its not cool enough[/sarcasm]
well i also thinking about making it fo some time got so many idea but couldn't yet to be realized OTL
but i seen people recently are more interested to modding game that already exist
and they convert the actual game to different customized games but still in the same gameplay
for example some people turned Command & Conquer 3 into Gundam Style RTS other there are also who put random thing into one game ex: Fallout NV, they almost got everything Heroes,DOW,Zombie Apocalypse,Alien & Predator,and some random thing which make it more interesting to play

but i still haven't try either modding nor make a fresh game.since i don't really have necessary resources here =)
I've imagined about making one of those Super Robot Taisen mock offs featuring bishoujo's instead of robots.
But alas I have no skills nor the time to realize it ever. :P
actually yeah but my only experience that I have is a calculating chat-bot I made in python :D
Whoah, goddammit. I left the forum after making this topic and it seemed to... vanish. The memory. Oh dear :(

Thanks for the reply, though, and--

Impressive. Tell your friend I just praised him. Apparently he saw the investment chance and decided to go after it, as many IT analyst foresee (yes, foresee. Couldn't get cheaper than that), the Unity Engine and HTML5 will be the trending media in the coming years for browser gaming platform... eh. Point is, I give him kudos.

Wow. Life gets busier with one more mouth to feed, indeed.

I think I know that game. Does it feature a custom-made tactical battle system? If so, then I only have to look up the database for old games... I'm quite positive that they have it.

Ever tried searching for that? A quick Google, perhaps? xD

That's one hell of an idea... I'm sure it could turn out to be a well-done online game, given its customization and TBS (ever heard of online TBS? Honestly I'd like to see one :P)

Well, you can't call modded games independent (meaning that it wasn't made from scratch). But I don't see any reason to say no to it :)

And, you can make it if you want to. There's plenty of game developer's engine scattered in the net, be it 2D or 3D games. If you can hook some crew into your boat, then you can get your project rolling :D

Intriguing... are you, by any chance, have experience with RenPy?
I actually have a bunch of random ideas for games if i ever get around to it~
I want to make a game based on the bible to some extent (such a large book must have stuff i could use~ but better change the names of everything before people goes nuts) It will mostly be a action/platformer (maybe other styles at times) with random stuff tossed in for different events. Shove in magic and elements. A little system of good neutral and evil which determines which what powers and weapons you have access to and the ending (maybe even what bosses will be fought~). There will be an overarching storyline with a random group that continually appears and does random stuff that you probably wont understand till then end. There will be skill points and the other rpg elements and everything has a chance of influencing the character's development (not sure how im going to do this). Have a lil pile of hidden stuff (bonus bosses, items, zones, etc) and multiple endings if they meet certain requirements. If they replay then a different set of enemies, extra items, extra skills, different paths, etc will be available and maybe even a continuation of the storyline. Have multiple characters available (with developed personalities) give them a little group to help them through the tough parts. Shove random references and funnies in when possible. If i want to make a part two plan ahead so part one wont have any conflicts (or screw with their mind enough so they cant argue~) Have something after they beat the main story (even the replays) like a survival mode, multiplayer (pvp or co op or just fight the computer), boss challenge, etc all with random stuff to be had at the end. Get someone to make me good music and i could probably draw decent backgrounds and everything but if i cant i could probably bother people. Enemies wont be idiots that get stuck behind a wall or cant get over a step of a staircase. They will be well thought out and annoy people to no end. Some will have annoying weaknesses (that wont be apparent or requires some skill to hit) and whatever else that could help them kick the hero's ass. Im going to model random characters creatures bosses etc. after people i know or odd fictional characters. Hmm now to think up something more original to add to the mix~ (I doubt im ever going to get around to this and sounds really complicated lol) My other ideas just get more complicated so oh wells
@ samyeung hmm...seems kind of familliar never mind :p

Kinda sad how much a lot of us like to talk about making games, but none of us ever actually put action to the talk. I'm sure there might actually be decent games if that was the case.
Studying a computer game degree at the moment, so yeah. Working on a game is probably one of the most hardest computer systems to implement because of all the 3D maths and physics to consider. But yeah, its a lot of fun.
[MENTION=8006]Mahoro[/MENTION] Hmm i wondering if your thinking of fate or those games~ I had this idea before they came around (i was bored in church) Its influenced by the thousands of random flash games that i played but currently its kinda out of reach :/ Trying to toss in a more original twist would be tough considering how much has already been used before...
[MENTION=8006]Mahoro[/MENTION] Hmm i wondering if your thinking of fate or those games~ I had this idea before they came around (i was bored in church) Its influenced by the thousands of random flash games that i played but currently its kinda out of reach :/ Trying to toss in a more original twist would be tough considering how much has already been used before...
Proof that boredom can bring ideas. I got my idea of my own variable fighter design(VF-33 Sabre) for my Macross fanfic from boredom as well.
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Well, that what I've been doing for 3 years back when I was in university(but the students call it 'college' coz it don't have enough criteria to be recognize as a university) - daydreaming.
thinking about making tabletop game or RTS game with either strategy elements or mixed like Heroes of might and Magic/Kings Quest

but never got further than thinking about it -.-

other than that i often picture myself in my own fantasy setting
got a general idea of the story and am currently thinking about the place/history and magic system of that world (came back to me when i was browsing tv tropes :rolleyes:)
... and well i was kinda thinking of writing it down as well (already started but nothing to brag about atm :redface:)

i sure have too much free time :(
I actually have a bunch of random ideas for games if i ever get around to it~
I want to make a game based on the bible to some extent (such a large book must have stuff i could use~ but better change the names of everything before people goes nuts) It will mostly be a action/platformer (maybe other styles at times) with random stuff tossed in for different events. Shove in magic and elements. A little system of good neutral and evil which determines which what powers and weapons you have access to and the ending (maybe even what bosses will be fought~). There will be an overarching storyline with a random group that continually appears and does random stuff that you probably wont understand till then end. There will be skill points and the other rpg elements and everything has a chance of influencing the character's development (not sure how im going to do this). Have a lil pile of hidden stuff (bonus bosses, items, zones, etc) and multiple endings if they meet certain requirements. If they replay then a different set of enemies, extra items, extra skills, different paths, etc will be available and maybe even a continuation of the storyline. Have multiple characters available (with developed personalities) give them a little group to help them through the tough parts. Shove random references and funnies in when possible. If i want to make a part two plan ahead so part one wont have any conflicts (or screw with their mind enough so they cant argue~) Have something after they beat the main story (even the replays) like a survival mode, multiplayer (pvp or co op or just fight the computer), boss challenge, etc all with random stuff to be had at the end. Get someone to make me good music and i could probably draw decent backgrounds and everything but if i cant i could probably bother people. Enemies wont be idiots that get stuck behind a wall or cant get over a step of a staircase. They will be well thought out and annoy people to no end. Some will have annoying weaknesses (that wont be apparent or requires some skill to hit) and whatever else that could help them kick the hero's ass. Im going to model random characters creatures bosses etc. after people i know or odd fictional characters. Hmm now to think up something more original to add to the mix~ (I doubt im ever going to get around to this and sounds really complicated lol) My other ideas just get more complicated so oh wells

This... o.o is simply grand. Needless to say, very sandbox-styled. I'm thinking about Dungeons and Dragons with tons of replayability and other complicated system that would scare simple players away and attract technical gamers like bugs into a lightbulb...

Interesting, though, what are you going to do about the character personality? Have it alter their combat style? Gives various bonuses and/or unique traits? (these seems to fit well as a sandbox game hardly have any place for a flowing storyline--but I'm not the one to judge :P)

Studying a computer game degree at the moment, so yeah. Working on a game is probably one of the most hardest computer systems to implement because of all the 3D maths and physics to consider. But yeah, its a lot of fun.
Oh, nice. Good for y-----
---Did you just say... "Computer Game Degree"? .-.

...Indeed it is, but all the trouble is well worth the satisfaction, and even money should you plan not to just be small be Indie.

thinking about making tabletop game or RTS game with either strategy elements or mixed like Heroes of might and Magic/Kings Quest

but never got further than thinking about it -.-

other than that i often picture myself in my own fantasy setting
got a general idea of the story and am currently thinking about the place/history and magic system of that world (came back to me when i was browsing tv tropes :rolleyes:)
... and well i was kinda thinking of writing it down as well (already started but nothing to brag about atm :redface:)

i sure have too much free time :(
You might not have anything to brag about as it is now, but you know you'd want to keep and develop it in your... overflowing freetime :D once you know that you have the resources you'll need at your disposal someday, you can simply unshelf your idea and start working on it right away :3
I once made a game where you have to click on fruits that appear and try to not hit the bombs o_o... It's faaar too complicated to try anything else :P

unfortunately I don't have any experience with renpy. I looked into it a little and it appears to be quite comprehensible

matterfact I didn't even knew about it and it looks very interesting
Did a few basic mod before, with Civilization 2.
Pretty basic, I might add. I just add a few new using(just by renaming them and increase their hit point), but the game still maintain it's original look, except for those additional units, of course.
Learned it from some PC game magazine, back in '96.
I have been making a Table Top Rpg for the last several years, its what i have been doing for a living.

Its not computers and graphic design or lines of code, but its a damn pain in the neck either way. One of the big issues i have with the rpg maker games is that the shell of the game cannot be tweaked with much, so i never tried to add my own "math"
( Stats, game mechanics, system etc) to it. besides, not enough time what with actually making the table top.

But as for ideas, world building, events, gear, system math, stats, skills, and basically everything, yeah i do that, for a living, so i am happy to chat about it too, love to geek about work and systems with random people, stimulates the mind and helps me come up with more ideas.

And as for RPG maker games, i absolutely love them, especially the game over rape variety.
played with the RPG maker a while ago....had the ideas but not the patience to continue,LOT of work and definitely not that easy like it seems.however many good games are made with rpg maker even these days.
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