Male Clothes Pack #6 - Knight's Half Armor
Now the girls can have their White Knight!

This is the Male's version of the girl's half armor costume, so they can go and slay dragons together.
The costume is divided into 2 parts. The first part is the main costume which can be found in the Male Tops' menu. There are 2 slightly different versions to choose from.
The second part has the armor pieces, they can be found in the Male Shoes' menu. There are 3 configurations to choose: Chest Plate Armor, Arms and Legs Armor or All Pieces.

They are standalone and wouldn't replace anything. All have different recolorable parts that can be adjusted. A Clothing Coordinate file is also included.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: Male Tops (Tops[M]) 102570-102571, Male Shoes(Shoes[M]) 103222-103224
Delete file bmhs_cm_body_MK.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hscm_MK.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\List\CharaCustom
Delete file coordM_20170819101504394.png from directory HoneySelect\UserData\coordinate\male
Male Clothes Pack 6:!1olgSDwI!FZvbJAHlEnkgVV9i3gmfujjL4eYOEkmonGl7wSHiqHs
Have fun but watch out for the dragons!