[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; A thank you is still a thank you. So thanks again for the like!
Consuming love, it's like a double suicide weapon
Is it the purest form of love, hmm. . I wonder.
I. .found it beautiful and destructive at the same times.
Madness of love, that's ironic.
I am thinking to apply it into:
madness=love or love=madness, lol
Hey, thanks!
I would like to concentrate on my life first.
But if fate manage the entangle me, let it be.
Hahaha, that's a good idea! Though I believe guys like their freedom better than my love.
Give in like a DO-M? Resist my love or push me xD
Heart is precious, I admit. I've lost mine before. Not to love, but to something else.
Hah, love is so fragile, but can it be so strong.
So ironic. So, intense that it makes you sick and would rather have cure
but when you watch that certain person, everything succumb to worth.
Give out too much love rather than receiving, it is madness, I agree.
Hahaha, guess what?
I'm an ex-literature students before I come to college. So, it's natural to be influence.
Hmm.. yep, I have heard of him before, but where was it?!
I can't remember. Failed memory TT^TT
Ooh, good one. That's his works on Hamlet.
I'm surprised. Many people know this quote than I thought it would. Must be the catchy phrase xD
Beautiful and destructive aih, I 2nd that. Or painful, but I've come to the conclusion that if I have to choose, okey, then I'll take the pain, cause it's my pain, and without love, whats left? I think it's worth it, rather than loosing it so I can be painless, but in the heat of the moment, when the pain is at it's worst, being desperate enough one might do anything just to numb it. I would maybe let love kill me, because I fear that if I rejected it, I might later come to my senses, and cry out regretfully with great bitterness and only have death left, terrible thought! Kinda like in a movie, where some guy is infected by a zombie, and he says to he's friends to kill him before he looses himself, and becomes a walking dead. Similarly I'll rather go down with love, lest I commit a great error and never being able to forgive myself, thinking I've betrayed love itself...
Though I believe guys like their freedom better than my love.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, nor consider what you have to give of little value. I'd say that it's only a matter of them learning to know and understand it. But it takes love, to understand love, it must first enter into a heart. Being the abstract concept that it is, it can be invisible to some people, and many can't truly see it even though you can. I could probably go on and on, there seems to often be so much to say about it. I'll try to spare you my sometimes longwindedness. I think I've been known for writing loong walls of text sometimes....And I don't want to bore you with that, probably have enough of that at school already.
DO-M xD it was not so easy to find out what that actually meant, but don't worry I finally did. :redface:
Well, I wouldn't know, but possibly, yes like resisting love, then not being able to resist it anymore. It can be merciless, and has it's way to force itself into a heart from the inside. That is, as long as there is already some present in the heart, it would't work on a heartless person. But as long as a heart does have it, love has something to work with. Simply put,(and I'm trying hard not to overuse the word here but) Love resonates with Love. There is a lot of wisdom to be had about something as remarkable as a human soul/heart.
I'll just agree with all the rest you wrote.
Interesting to know, what literature have you read ? and how it's effected you is interesting, includes lots of poetry ? Well Francis Bacon is associated with "The New Atlantis" and is claimed by some to be the actual real person of Shakespear. Shakespear then being his fake identity. A name possibly taken from the Greek goddess of wisdom 'Athena' , who would supposedly shake her spear and enlighten men with wisdom, "breaking the illusions and thoughts of folly". Thereby the wordplay of 'shakespear'.
Yeah I think its like just the most quoted phrase from hamlet of all time, quoting it might be bit of a cliche. Vaguely remember even seeing it in a tv commercial once.
I have stuck in the past, where everythings around me just running wild, evolving, leaving me behind.
Trust me, I don't like that feelings.

::chills:: o.0 me neither!
P.s. realized, it would maybe be best if we didn't continue this up in this thread "} It might not belong here so much.