- 1 Blinking Xmas Light Bondage Outfit
- 1 Gift Bow
- 1 Candy Cane
- Optional Studio Items of all of the above
Uncompress into your HS folder.
Run HoneyselectItemResolver (HiR_1.1.0) to install the Studio Items.

That time of the year and since there's already a bunch of santa theme outfits, I thought this would be a nice change!
HOLY CRAP this was was the most labor intensive mod I worked on, almost a month to do. I had to manually wrap the wire and position every single bulb from scratch. Not only did that take a long time to do, I then had to weight paint every single lighbulb 4 times cause 4 different bones were affect each bulb. There is still a bit of distortion (around the right thigh & shoulder) which I can't really see in the weight paint the cause.
The gift bow I did from scratch too, had to look up how to do it in real life to wrap my brain around how to do it in 3d. I think it came out nice, also gave it some physics so it doesn't clip into body (much) and move on contact (it squishes on boob grope & wall press) The easiest part of the mod was the candy cane.
The lights are colorable (well one is in the tri-color setup) Un-check Options1 to make all the lights blink the same color.
All the items are available for Studio to use. Cheated by just using one file instead of making a duplicate (so it saves space) Added string lights (straight & curve) for room decorations or whatever you want (ie. more bondage). Was gonna add some physics to them, but after playing around with Studio, holy hell it's a pain to position stuff (compared to playclub) so I nixed the idea, cause them moving/sway around would be a bitch to position.
Gonna take a short break for holiday & actually play this (and other games). been modding non-stop since the game came out, so need a bit of a rest. Don't worry, I still have a bunch I'm working on, so plenty of mods to come!.

Merry X-mas & Happy Holidays to ALL !!!

pw: ac64
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