MMD discussion and sharing

I used to upload all of Jaxmmd newest works on pixeldrain and share it here on a different account, so for anyone that still cares, im still uploading them on rule34video so you can grab them from there if you want them. Pixeldrain limit has just been too annoying for me.
Do you have updated (voice-acted) version of this? I was able to find the older ver on rule34video but not the newer one. Anyway, thank you.
No i don't, sorry! I think i would have to go to a more expensive plan for that? im not quite sure but you can't get it again with the 500yen plan.
I looked at the help and found that if you are continuing your subscription, you should be able to get past videos again. If you have cancelled your subscription once, you will not be able to get it unless JAX has set up permission to re-download contents for past subscriptions. If he has not set that up, you must repurchase the stand-alone month from the back numbers page. That's a bit inconvenient. Too bad.
I created a tampermonkey script for auto renaming Fantia Downloads
Adds "FantiaPost-[Author] [PostID]" to the start of the file name

If you want to change the naming format. The file is renamed in line 118

I couldnt find a way to rename it and have it downloaded directly by google. So the script handles the download instead. You can see the progress in the bottom left


  • Fantia Download Formater-1.2.user.txt
    7.9 KB · Views: 23

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