Kinda urgent question, Fantia subscription ends on the 30th, is that when the date becomes 30 or when it rolls over past 30?
Rolls over past 30, so on the 30th at 11:59PM JST.
If your subscription is paid via toracoin, then you typically have a grace period to purchase additional months before it cancels your subscription and you lose access to all prior content for a particular creator.
If your subscription is paid via card (which isn't really doable for most western banks), then you typically see the draft on the 1st or on the following day depending on your bank's processing times.
With toracoin, you can pre-pay 1month, 3months, or 6months.
If you cancel a plan, any autodrafts cease but you still have access until the end of the month that you'd paid. If you pre-paid a plan for 3 months and decide to terminate, then your access would be lost at the end of the 3rd month. If you let it expire instead, then you enter the grace period.
It is worth noting that the grace period was implemented when western banks stopped doing business with them, and chances are they'll stop doing it after some time.