[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

I investigated the ducks in the bath.

Bad UVs cant be compensated from normals. This leads to bad tangents and this in turn leads to those black patches.
One face is selected, but in the UV editor you can see that the UVs were projected. This projection caused the UVs to form a line instead of a face in the UV map. So this is insufficient for computing tangents in Sb3UGS with the "Normals..." dialog.

The only chance is to let a professional part build the tangents. In this example
I had imported the ducks, and exported them unchanged with Maya. But the tangents were excluded from the export. In this case Sb3UGS uses the FbxSdk to compute new tangents. See the message in the Log window! Then the ducks were replaced with "Replace" for normals option (this option handles the tangents as well).

Without Maya you can create the same result with an OBJ export. OBJ retains the normals, but doesn't include any tangents. Therefore, Sb3UGS computes them with the same library.
You're kidding me, I had no idea.

Looks like I will be downloading Blender then.

Good luck, AK420! You've a man's work ahead of you, learning all of that!
Meanwhile, I wonder if Dilldoe's method is just going to give you the base body that all the girls use, or the modified one from in game? As far as I know, the settings for
the girls are located in the PNG image files, and I haven't seen a method for extracting those with a modified mesh yet. Would like to know if there is a way! :)

I think the NinjaRipper method is the only way to get the 'modified' bodies (and heads) out. You might just rip the body using the SB3UGS method, then attach the NinjaRipped head. Then you only have to rig the head instead of the entire body.

Meanwhile, the PlayClub and SBPR bodies look something like this:

I don't think the HoneySelect body will be much different.
You're kidding me, I had no idea.

Looks like I will be downloading Blender then.

But if you want to use animations in your project from honeyselect you would have to use the honeyselect armature. Although im not sure what you are actually trying to accomplish. If you are trying to do your own scripting/animations there is some better models here http://xnalara.deviantart.com/gallery/31744533/Only-adult-content-Art-3D-and-Downloads and addons for other 3d softwares to import them. I think it was ramoran that showed me this site, its very good even for honeyselect mods/clothes.
Thanks for mentioning the new problem. Still I like the color setting in SBPR more attractive than HS.


There is a bug with SB3UGS. It imports OBJ meshes and material but it's skipping the textures. The Maya trick seems to be working (exporting mesh with tangents excluded). Still a long way to fix so many work.
For unknown reason the exported mtl file doesn't include the texture references. Therefore, the import of Sb3UGS cant see them. Seems to be a bug in FbxSDK, but I will check if it can be corrected.

It worked in FbxSdk 2013.3. For testing purposes I made an update to FbxSDK 2016.1[.2?] in March... same problem with FbxSdk 2016.1 :/

Got it! It really was a bug in Sb3UGS, and it hit only OBJ format although the error should have hit FBX, DAE, etc. likewise.
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Good luck, AK420! You've a man's work ahead of you, learning all of that!
Meanwhile, I wonder if Dilldoe's method is just going to give you the base body that all the girls use, or the modified one from in game? As far as I know, the settings for
the girls are located in the PNG image files, and I haven't seen a method for extracting those with a modified mesh yet. Would like to know if there is a way! :)

I think the NinjaRipper method is the only way to get the 'modified' bodies (and heads) out. You might just rip the body using the SB3UGS method, then attach the NinjaRipped head. Then you only have to rig the head instead of the entire body.

Meanwhile, the PlayClub and SBPR bodies look something like this:

I don't think the HoneySelect body will be much different.

Yeah, I have a feeling this will be a long endeavor, but its worth it to me.

NinjaRipper is the only method I've found to get the customized models, which is very important to me. They need to look unique.

So, I will combine NinjaRipper with Blender and see how far I can get.

I know how to weight models already, its just a pain in the arse. So hopefully the learning curve wont be that bad.

I will keep you guys informed of my progress and maybe we can find a way to do this without too much pain.

Any who have provided me with assistance will get a free copy of my game, eventually.

But if you want to use animations in your project from honeyselect you would have to use the honeyselect armature. Although im not sure what you are actually trying to accomplish. If you are trying to do your own scripting/animations there is some better models here http://xnalara.deviantart.com/gallery/31744533/Only-adult-content-Art-3D-and-Downloads and addons for other 3d softwares to import them. I think it was ramoran that showed me this site, its very good even for honeyselect mods/clothes.

I'm looking to create my own game. I want to use these models because I can create them fairly easily in the game and just rip them out. Luckily, Illusion can not claim copyright on models that I have created using their engine. I did my research on that.

The final version of my game will have all original characters, but until I can afford to do that work, I want to use the Illusion models.

I will definitely check out that link you provided, though.

I think that we can all admit that the Illusion models are pretty much the best out there right now.
I think that we can all admit that the Illusion models are pretty much the best out there right now.

I think the DAZ and Poser models are probably the best out there right now. Illusion is pretty close with its latest games, however.

I do recommend you try out the latest version of Noesis. I think it reads FBX files better than Blender, and a whole bunch of other types.
It also writes them too.

BTW, you've never said if this new game will involve animation? Got anything in mind? :)
I think the DAZ and Poser models are probably the best out there right now. Illusion is pretty close with its latest games, however.

I do recommend you try out the latest version of Noesis. I think it reads FBX files better than Blender, and a whole bunch of other types.
It also writes them too.

BTW, you've never said if this new game will involve animation? Got anything in mind? :)

It's going to be a voyeur themed game, mainly developed for VR, but I will port it for normal pcs too.

There will be lots of animations and different game modes, eventually.

The first version which I will be sharing on Patreon will be a basic model viewer with a lot of interactivity between the player and the model. With the animations and gameplay being added in over time.

Basically I want to make the game that we all want, a straight sex simulator with real time physics and full "hands on" interaction with the girls.

I will also make it fully moddable from the start. So, in effect, the first real version of the game will basically be an engine to run the later additions. If that makes sense.

It's a big project and down the line I will probably end up hiring some talent to help me.
Im new to this so i want to share some of my cards, hope u enjoy :) PS:Not a watermelon but a meloncharaF_2016_1202_2008_21_363.pngcharaF_2016_1203_1112_33_996.pngcharaF_2016_1205_1911_02_207.pngcharaF_2016_1205_1837_00_280.png
That was to be expected. Regs posting off-topic and new users follow.

The usage of this thread can be obtained by reading its title! Thanks.
I went to fix the AG3 series but it didn't work. I imported the mesh in to Maya and exported it the mesh without any changing. In export settings of FBX. I disable "Tangents and Binomial". Back in SB3UGS tool the latest 1.4.3 the log mentioned about the new tangents generated automatically. Applied the "Replace Normal" in mesh part. Result is same. Black UV.

Second method I used is the OBJ format. Re-did my work again. Same result a black UV only additional problem is added is the map disappear when camera angle changes. Never liked OBJ with major problem usually about map dissappearing.

What did I do wrong?

Never mind. I fixed it. I was calculating the tangents too. Had to disable that in SB3 tool
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anyone know why mesh vanishes at certain zoom/angle in studio? have an item with 2 mesh parts (using different materials) but when I zoom in or rotate at, part of the mesh vanishes, while the other remains. I have a feeling it might be shader/material related, but anyone else has any insight on the cause & solution?
anyone know why mesh vanishes at certain zoom/angle in studio? have an item with 2 mesh parts (using different materials) but when I zoom in or rotate at, part of the mesh vanishes, while the other remains. I have a feeling it might be shader/material related, but anyone else has any insight on the cause & solution?

One reason I believe is that the multiple meshes has sort of one transform point and they conflict each other which one should remain on top hence the "mesh flicker". OBJ format is the worst!

I have one theory for this solution are you up to the task to do it? Because I don't have my system at the moment. Create a "Bone" at the origin (0,0,0). Name it anything. And merge all the meshes with that bone.

Import back to unity file and see if the problem get fix. Please let me know too. Thanks
One reason I believe is that the multiple meshes has sort of one transform point and they conflict each other which one should remain on top hence the "mesh flicker". OBJ format is the worst!

I have one theory for this solution are you up to the task to do it? Because I don't have my system at the moment. Create a "Bone" at the origin (0,0,0). Name it anything. And merge all the meshes with that bone.

Import back to unity file and see if the problem get fix. Please let me know too. Thanks

after a dozen tries I figured it out, and it's the same or similar to reason you mentioned.

the mesh that was vanishing had a submesh, and once that submesh was out of camera range, the whole mesh vanishes. split it into two meshes and problem solved. (what a weird ass issue).
Every submesh, Mesh and SkinnedMeshRenderer has a "bounding box" consisting of Center and Extend.
The game can use this for fast clipping, but when I tested it with HM and SBPR the bounding box seemed to be ignored. Computing this in Sb3UGS doesn't produce the same original values. So if HS uses these values now and expects them differently it might clip in an unwanted way.

When I split meshes in Maya, first I duplicate the mesh, then I cut the unwanted parts in each of them. For the selection of the unwanted parts I go into Component mode and switch to Face component selection.
That was to be expected. Regs posting off-topic and new users follow.

The usage of this thread can be obtained by reading its title! Thanks.

Omg, my bad! I so got caught up in a tangent there and forgot which thread this was posting in.

Won't happen again.

In my defense, though, I started off with a mod discussion question.
after a dozen tries I figured it out, and it's the same or similar to reason you mentioned.

the mesh that was vanishing had a submesh, and once that submesh was out of camera range, the whole mesh vanishes. split it into two meshes and problem solved. (what a weird ass issue).

LOD issue, i guess.
Maya 2017 automatically fix bad normals if you import and export without any changes disabling "Tangents & Binormals". Nice!
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Thanks for your report! Still I cant upgrade Sb3UGS to FbxSdk 2017 since the current version of Blender 2.78a would not be able to read the exports. As soon as they integrate the beta io_scene_fbx into a main release I will change Sb3UGS accordingly.

Until then you will need to export with compatibility options:
Thanks for your report! Still I cant upgrade Sb3UGS to FbxSdk 2017 since the current version of Blender 2.78a would not be able to read the exports. As soon as they integrate the beta io_scene_fbx into a main release I will change Sb3UGS accordingly.

Until then you will need to export with compatibility options:
View attachment 13697

Currently the tool 1.4.4, FBX is only compatibale with 2014/2015. Doesn't read 2016/2017 yet.
68 pages can anybody give me a direct URL to releasing your own mod. I've successfully made a few skins but they're still in the mat_cha_00.unity3d file. How do I package and release it as a mod?
Here they are...

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