[Mod Release Thread](Illusion) Artificial Academy 2

Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch

This patch installs official official patches v2 to v12' (2.0.1 141015), Append Set I Support 141014, Append Set II Support 141110, English translations and uncensor for Artificial Academy 2 + Append Set I+II (if you have them) as well as other essential mods. The included mods were created by HF modders/translators and anon modders/translators from /hgg/, /aa2g/, ZODGAME and UV.

IMPORTANT: This patch requires that all the official free DLC is installed! It is highly recommended that you run the AA2 DLC HF Patch (you only need to run it once, then you can rely on this patch to get you fully up to date).


Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch version 4.11 includes:

Note: All mods are optional, so you can select to install only e.g. the uncensors or translations when running the patch.

This patch would not be possible without SB3UGS_v1.0.7iota by enimaroah

AA2 Translation Team
All these awesome guys helped bring you the translations included in this patch:
A to da G , Az Sky , BillyBoy12 , buffmanington , Callonia , chope , Dark Pulse , elfdrow , firearrow123 , H1TJ5 , hgganon , Ismet , Kaigan777 , Kainlockheart , lordmogsama , Moonfail , ohgodzilla , Pino , RPGenesis , SAMarcus , SaotomeRanma , Satao , Sogekihei (Itkatsu) , Suriko , usagirei , vidocq , Xlore , ZeroToMinus , Zinny

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

  • This patch requires that all the official free DLC is installed. Use the AA2 DLC HF Patch once before running this patch.
  • The patch includes patched exe's that are required by the included uncensor mod. Therefore you must use the included launchers if you installed the uncensor (default). It is highly recommended that you use the desktop icons installed by the patch to ensure that you are running the right launcher. WARNING: If you use a different launcher you will experience crashes and/or missing/wrong textures!
  • The Append Set add-ons are not included in this patch because they aren't free. However, the patch includes mods that will mod Append Set I+II files (if installed).
  • It's perfectly safe to apply a newer version of the patch on top of older versions.
  • Make sure that you have a backup of the original files before you run the patch!
Having problems?
  1. Read the Artificial Academy 2 Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Artificial Academy 2 discussion!
  3. PM me

This patch will be updated if there are updates to any of the included mods or if other essential mods are released.​

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing.



4.12: 2015.06.26: Update Dialogue All Inclusive to 150124, replace MKII with MKIII 1.0, update SVII to 1.6, update ReiEditAA2 to
4.11, 2015.06.23: Not a public release.
4.9, 2015.01.23: Add Personality Buttons & Karaoke Folder Names Append2 (karaoke folders translated according to UI choice), add Karaoke Songs Collection v1.1 (improvise Carefree and Warm), update Dialogue v1.1 to fixed 150118, Update ReiEditAA2 to Use SB3UGS_v1.0.7iota to speed up patching slightly, fix a few places where the wrong game id was used in SB3UGS script files.
4.8, 2015.01.22: Not a public release
4.7, 2015.01.02: Add All Inclusive Dialogue Translation v1.1 (replaces Dialogue Final 2.3, Dialogue Append Set 1.4 and Dialogue Append Set II 1.0c). Update SVII from 1.2 to 1.3
4.6, 2014.12.30: Add launchers R2.1 to hopefully fix small girl body issues
4.5, 2014.12.29: Fix wrong AA2PlayJSF SVII launcher.
4.4, 2014.12.28: Update launchers to English Improved R2 by Menelol (full translation, including locations!), update ReiEditAA2 to
4.3, 2014.11.15: Update Append Set I Support to 141014, update Append Set II Support to 141110.
4.2, 2014.11.11: Add official Append Set II support 141105.
4.1, 2014.11.05: Update official patch to v12' 141015, add Append Set II support, update AA2Play launcher to v12', updated JS-F launcher to v12', update Dialog Append I 1.4 to fixed 141021, add Dialog Append II 1.0c, update Dialog Translation Final 2.3 to fixed 141021, update Subtitle Translations to 1.2.1, update User Interface R15 (Append Set II), update UI Translation to v12, add/update Full 3D Uncensor MKII Append Set I v1.2, Append Set II v1.0, update Full 2D Uncensor SVII to 1.2, add/update Full 2D Uncensor SVII Append Set I+II v1.2, update ReiEditAA2 to Beta (with Append Set II fix). Additional minor fixes/improvements.
4.0, 2014.10.12: Update patch to v12, update AA2Play launcher to v12, update JS-F launcher to v12, add SVII uncensor as an option, remove Animation Fixes 0.1 (because they don't work well with SVII), remove Fix Anal Teasing mod (because it was fixed by Illusion in v12).
3.6, 2014.10.09: Fix that some leftover temporary files were copied to the Maker data folder (duh, how could I have missed those?). Implement changing of ReiEditAA2 personality names according to UI selection (hgg/HF).
3.5, 2014.10.08: Add JSF launcher 1.30i.
3.4, 2014.10.08: Update fixed launcher, remove JSF launcher because it was v10.
3.3, 2014.10.07: Update patch to v11 (rebooted because of many changes in v11), update launcher to v11, update /hgg/ UI to 11.2, update HF UI to R15, Quick fix for Outfit buttons removed because both UI translations now include it.
3.2, 2014.10.05: Update subtitles to 1.0, add Quick Fix for Outfit Buttons, add ReiEditAA2 (remove JG2ChrData).
3.1, 2014.09.07: Update official patch to v10, add Append Set Support 140905, update launcher to v10, update Dialog Append to 1.4, update /hgg/ UI to 11.1, update HF UI to R14, add Animation Fixes 0.1, update JS-Frontier to 1.30h. Patch code improvements: Optional files check is per file (ensuring that e.g. partially installed Append Set won't interrupt patching), major improvement to logic when the patch fails on a file: It is now possible to ignore an error and continue patching, but the patch will count how many files were ignored and display a warning when done.
3.0, 2014.09.01: Add Append Set support (the patch will silently ignore it if it isn't installed), add Dialog Append 1.1, update subtitles to 0.9, update translation loader to 1.4.0, update HF UI to R13 (add personality translations to dictionary.xml), update /hgg/ UI to v11, add Append Uncensor MKII 1.2.
2.4, 2014.08.23: Update official patch to v9, update partial English launcher to v9, update /hgg/ dialog to 2.3 FIXED, updated Characters to 140811, update subs to 0.8, update HF UI to R12, update /hgg/ UI to 10.1, add Fix Anal Teasing, update JS-Frontier launcher to partial English v9.
2.3, 2014.08.11: Update HF Dialog to 03, update subtitle mod to 1.0.1, update subs to 0.7, add English translated AA2PlayJSF.exe. Fix that HF dialog translations were overwritten by hgg dialog (!).
2.2, 2014.08.08: Update official patch to v8, update v8 launcher by MegaKameha, add/update subtitles to 0.5.2, update hgg UI to v10, update HF UI to R11, update MKII uncensor to 1.2, update JS-Frontier launcher to v8.
2.1, 2014.08.05: Fix distorted class roster by restoring NameListUI.lst. Use subtitle overlay for the original launcher.
2.0, 2014.08.04: Update official patch to v7 (include only differences, so patch size went down from 315 to 64 MB!), add v7 launcher by MegaKameha, add subtitle overlay 140804, add /hgg/ UI back in because of many complaints over HF UI, update JS-Frontier launcher (the same as the English v7 launcher).
1.1, 2014.07.28: Update UI to R9.1 (fix H buttons), change default selection from HD to SD. Built with Inno Setup 5.5.5.
1.0, 2014.07.27: Update to v6, launcher to V1.0-DLC6 (1.0.6), add HF dialog translation 02 on top of /hgg/, User Interface R9* (hgg compatible with Sound configuration by pino), update JS-Frontier launcher to v6.
0.9.5, 2014.07.20: Update patch to 1.0.5, update launcher to AA2Play V1.0-DLC5 (1.0.5) by TheShadow, update UI to 9.7, update dialog to 2.2, add AA2Play JS-Frontier v5. Various fixes/improvements to the desktop icons.
0.9.4, 2014.07.12: Remove dynamic patching and include copies of the patched exe's instead (because of some AV not allowing the setup to modify exe's that were just installed, lol).
0.9.3, 2014.07.12: Use AA2Play 1.30b (1.0.4) by JS-Frontier as English launcher (because of issues with the current English launcher), add Full 3D Uncensor v0.7 and dynamic patching (patches created with dUP) of all included exe files (replaces AS00_03_00_%02d_%02d.bmp with AS00_03_00_%02d_%02d.tga), add Unlocked AA2Edit v1.4.2 (1.0.1) by JS-Frontier and JG2ChrData 0.2.1 English Translation 1.3.
0.9.2, 2014.07.7: Replace Full 3D Uncensor 0.6 with Cartoon Uncensor v0.8 because of reported crashes and issues.
0.9.1, 2014.07.06: Fix included "AA2Play English.exe" (only an issue if the user didn't install the Full 3D uncensor), add missing credits.
0.9, 2014.07.06: Update official patch to 1.0.4, add DLC2, update launcher to v1.0-DLC4 (1.0.4), update dialog to 2.1, update UI to 9.5. Fix AA2Play English1.0.2.exe being included in the previous version.
0.8.1, 2014.07.01: Somehow the Translation loader wasn't the right version after all (should have been 1.3.1). It must have been caused by all the different revisions of 0.8 that I made. :(
0.8, 2014.07.01: Update Patch to 1.0.3, update AA2Play to v1.0-DLC3 (1.0.3), update UI to v9, update Dialog to 2.0. Major improvement to the code, for instance improved location selection of AA2Play and AA2Edit (new wizard page), improved Change registry (now supports AA2Edit as well).
0.7, 2014.06.25: Fix issue with jg2p00_00_00.pp by ensuring the SB3U is dependent on the right components. Replace female uncensor with Cartoon Uncensor v0.8.
0.6, 2014.06.23: Update dialog translation to 1.0, change female uncensor to the one posted by Grim Reaper, remove machine translation.
0.5.1, 2014.06.21: Fix missing jg2p00_00_01.pp error.
0.5, 2014.06.21: Add patch 1.0.2, add Dialog Translation 0.18, add Female uncensor 0.53, update launcher to v1.0-DLC2 (1.0.2), update UI to v8.
0.4, 2014.06.18: Update UI to v7, machine translation to 1.2. Add Windowed Fullscreen 2.0.
0.3.1, 2014.06.16: Add jg2p00_00_01.pp from preorder personality to properly support machine translation.
0.3, 2014.06.16: Update UI to V5, machine translation to 1.1.
0.2, 2014.06.15: Add patch 1.01 and DLC1. Various minor fixes, for instance the applocale shortcut.
0.1, 2014.06.14: Initial version
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Illusion Wizzard for AA2

I have adapted Illusion Wizzard (IW) to work with AA2. I made a profile called AA2_PLAY, using AA2Decrypt posted by lds718 .

Note that the wizzard/profile has been updated to use AA2Decrypt, because PPVerDecrypt had issues. Please download it again!

How to use
  1. Extract the archive to e.g. C:\illusion\wizzard.
  2. Run C:\illusion\wizzard\Illusion_Wizzard.exe.
  3. Select AA2_PLAY and press Enter.
  4. Copy mod to C:\illusion\wizzard\AA2_PLAY\mods folder.
  5. Click Refresh.
  6. Select the mod and click Apply mod.
Read more about using Illusion Wizzard.

All your rep are belong to darkhound for Illusion Wizzard and lds718 for AA2Decrypt.

Mods made for the AA2_MAKE profile will work with the new profile. If you only install the profile it is recommended that you delete <Your IW folder>\_general\game_profiles\AA2_MAKE.pro to avoid accidentally selecting the wrong profile.
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The Elf Ears mod has been updated to work for the Full Character Maker. Elf ears are installed into slots #27 & #28 within the hair extensions category of the Full Maker.
The mod is wizzard ready.

As seen in AA! The elf ears have been ported over to AA2.

This mods adds two new slots to the hair extensions category within the maker (#27 & #28 ). The slots are flippable, meaning you have the choice of up to four color variations of elf ears.
You'll have to fiddle with the character skin color to find a perfect match with the elf ears. I've included reference images with values to make this simpler.

Original elf ears by Midori.

v0.5: Increased the size of the ears and fixed positioning.
v0.4: Added two additional colors.
V0.3: Elf ears added back into hair extensions category.



Please treat your elf waifus kindly!
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[AA2 Maker][Fuller Lips More Color][ElfDrow] Wizard ready

Tired of those lines that they called lipstick?

This does exactly what it says.
it turns the transparency to 0 so you can have the full color on the lips.
And changes the style to a fuller lipstick.
*You can still use the transparency slider. but now it goes from 0 to 100% color instead of 0 to 50%.

type B is slightly fuller lips compared to type A
type C is the basic stock shape. with the ability to get full color

Wizard ready.
all the types are included in a single RAR


type B V0.2 fixed edge so it won't look odd with dark skinned characters


  • [AA2 Maker][Fuller Lips More Color].jpg
    [AA2 Maker][Fuller Lips More Color].jpg
    211.2 KB · Views: 53,509
  • [AA2 Maker][Fuller Lips More Color][ElfDrow].rar
    1 MB · Views: 7,973
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English Machine Translation
For Artifical Academy 2

This mod is now depreciated. Please use the /hgg/ Dialog Translation included in the HF Patch instead.

This mod provides a ROUGH machine translation for all 26 personalities, and other ingame dialogue. As this is a machine translation, things like mistranslations, broken grammar, and general nonsense are present. If you are perturbed by these things, please DO NOT use this mod. IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod is a personal project, and NOT associated with the official AA2 Translation Project.

This mod is Wizzard Ready! A AA2 compatible Wizzard and instructions are HERE.

If you encounter any game breaking bugs with this mod, please let me know so I may fix them. I have done basic tests with this mod, but at 19,000 lines, I can't check them all ingame.

Thanks to enimaroah as always for the awesome SB3Utility!
And thanks to the Hongfire community who helped me fix the DLC issue. Sorry for the trouble.

Download @ MEGA

Mirror @ Hongfire

  • Edited generic Yes/No responses for Independent/Mature personality
  • Edited generic Yes responses for Cadet personality
  • Minor Edits to PC script
  • Wizzard Ready
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Matoi Ryuuko's hair style from Kill la Kill

Enables the "flip" checkbox on front hair slot #21 to use a static red hair lock.
No longer uses slot #46 as in the Trial version, edit your png character saves.

Affects files:


Rename*.torrent to *.7z


  • [AA2][Hair][Kill_La_Kill_Matoi][1.1][Shireece].torrent
    183.5 KB · Views: 1,417
Artificial Academy 2 Maker HF Patch

This patch installs partial English translations and full uncensor for the Artificial Academy 2 Maker created by the awesome HF modders.

Note: This patch is for people wanting to try the Maker only and will not be updated further. If you have the full game you should get Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch instead!

Artificial Academy 2 Maker HF Patch version 0.5.1 includes:


Note: All mods are optional, so you can select to install only e.g. the uncensors or translations when running the patch.

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) by enimaroah

AA2 Translation Team
All these awesome guys helped bring you the translations included in this patch:
A to da G , Az Sky , BillyBoy12 , buffmanington , Callonia , chope , Dark Pulse , elfdrow , H1TJ5 , hgganon , Ismet , Kainlockheart , lordmogsama , Moonfail , ohgodzilla , Pino , RPGenesis , SAMarcus , SaotomeRanma , Satao , Sogekihei (Itkatsu) , Suriko , vidocq , Xlore , Zinny

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

Known issues
  • Important: All translations are subject to change! Be aware that the translation of personalities, traits, sexual prefs, items etc. may be changed after the full game has been launched!
  • Nobody can say if these mods/translation will have issues in the full game. Be prepared to reinstall the AA2 Maker when the full game is out!
Having problems?
  1. Read the Artificial Academy 2 Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Artificial Academy 2 pre-release discussion!
  3. PM me
This patch will not be updated.​

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing-

Version history
0.5.1, 2014.06.24: Add check for the full game to prevent this old patch from being applied by mistake.
0.5, 2014.06.06: Add texture fix by cacaman12 (fix white penis when using pink texture).
0.4, 2014.06.04: Update Maker tl to 140604, add Translated Characters 140604, update Translated Stuff 140604. Major improvement to release post with rep links to all members of AA2 TL team.
0.3, 2014.05.30: Update loader to 1.2.1, remove Maker Translations 140526, update Zinny portraits to 0.5, update uncensor (same versions, but body adjustment texture works now), add Detailed Vagina Texture (Pink).
0.2, 2014.05.26: Update loader to 1.1a, add Maker Translations 140526, update Male and Female Personalities in Portraits to 0.4, update Translated Lists to 140524.
0.1, 2014.05.23: Initial version
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Artificial Academy 2 DLC HF Patch

This patch installs official patches v2 to v7 (1.0.7), DLC1+2, the preorder special and Special Member bonus. There are no mods included!

This patch only installs official DLC and patches. To get mods (translations, uncensor etc) you need the Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch!!

Artificial Academy 2 DLC HF Patch version 1.0.7 includes:

  • Patch v2-v7 (1.0.7) and DLC1 by Illusion Updated!
  • DLC2 by Illusion
  • Preorder Hair by Illusion
  • Preorder Personality (Cadet) by Illusion
  • Special Member Bonus by Illusion New!
Having problems?
  1. Read the Artificial Academy 2 Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Artificial Academy 2 discussion!
  3. PM me
This patch will be updated if new patches or DLC are released.​

Included DLC

  • The Append Set add-on is not included in this patch and it will never be included because it isn't free.

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing.



Version history
1.0.7, 2014.08.02: Update patch to v7, include Illusion Special Member Bonus.
1.0.4, 2014.07.06: Updated to include Patch 1.0.4 (aka. Game Update v4) and DLC2.
1.0.3, 2014.06.27: Updated to include Patch 1.0.3 (aka. Game Update v3).
1.0.2, 2014.06.22: Initial version including patch 1.0.2, DLC1, Preorder Hair, Preorder Personality (Cadet)
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Dialog Translations (No Quotes)
For Artifical Academy 2
Updated! Version 1.5 (July 17, 2014)

This mod provides dialog translations from the HFTeam and /hgg/, without special quotes & or regular quotes on dialog lines. I find this approach more aesthetically pleasing. Aside from the quote removal, these translations are EXACTLY the same as the official packages. 100% CREDIT FOR ALL THE TRANSLATIONS HEREIN GOES TO THE HFTeam AND /hgg/.

This mod uses:
This mod is Wizzard Ready! A AA2 compatible Wizzard and instructions are HERE. Please install all game updates/DLC and patches BEFORE installing this mod.

I will update this mod as new revisions become available.

Thanks to the HFTeam and /hgg/ for the translations, and thanks to lds718 for the AA2Decrypt tool.

Download @ MEGA

00 Lively/hgg/
01 Delicate/hgg/
02 Cheerful/hgg/
03 Quiet/hgg/Changed to /hgg/; Found issue with HFTeam version.
04 PlayfulHFTeam
05 Frisky/hgg/
06 Kind/hgg/
07 Joyful/hgg/
08 OrdinaryHFTeam
09 IrritatedHFTeam
10 Harsh/hgg/
11 Sweet/hgg/
12 CreepyHFTeam
13 Reserved/hgg/
14 Dignified/hgg/
15 Aloof/hgg/
16 Smart/hgg/
17 Genuine/hgg/
18 Mature/hgg/
19 Lazy /hgg/
20 Manly/hgg/
21 Gentle/hgg/
22 Positive/hgg/
23 Otaku HFTeam
24 Savage/hgg/
25 Cadet/hgg/
System/hgg/Changed to /hgg/; Found untranslated items in HFTeam version.
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Translated Rainbow Maker made Easy!!

Time for my next release :) i love this game so i hope to see more mods from other members soon :)

Translated Rainbow Maker made Easy!!

This is just a repack for easy install since i saw nobody putting these 2 awesome tools together yet!!!
now you can make infinite rainbow characters and have it all translated
all the files save in the same place an your resources stay intact
i also added the cadet translation to the dictionary in this version through the AA2 Translation Loader :)

ok so 2 step process

1. Put the Rainbow folder inside ur AA2 maker folder

2. Put the AA2 Maker [Rainbow] shortcut included on your desktop
(this link is Applocal enabled if your not running applocal you really should be)

Download @ MEGA

EndFromFlame - for putting these togather in a easy manner
HGG - for the AA2 Translation Loader :) awsome tool!!!
Phil26 - for the unlocked rainbow character maker!!! again your awsome!!

Happy Making
EndFromFlame's Background Changer

OK so here is my first release ever (Had to re-up this i made a mistake editing it and i deleted it by mistake i think)

(Only Censored because i dont know the policy here yet dont wanna be in trouble on my first day lol)

Changes the backgrounds of the cards to what you see above :)

This mod is Wizzard ready!
This mod changes the Card Personalities so i recommend installing this mod after using the HF Patch or you will lose styling on the text

Download @ MEGA

Hope you like it :)

i plan to release this mod in a few different flavors so stay tuned
I haven't played in a while. I got a new GPU since, and I installed this latest patch. But for some reason when I enter a conversation with someone I go down to like 10FPS, if that? Can anyone help me? I really don't know what's wrong.
I haven't played in a while. I got a new GPU since, and I installed this latest patch. But for some reason when I enter a conversation with someone I go down to like 10FPS, if that? Can anyone help me? I really don't know what's wrong.

I noticed the same thing. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 not the best but it should run this old game with no issues.
I noticed the same thing. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 not the best but it should run this old game with no issues.

Yeah no kidding. My old GPU was outdated as hell, ran fine on low settings. I have a GeForce 1060 now, and it lags like fuck haha. Crazy. Maybe it's an nvidea thing?
Its a windows 10 update thing,google for a lot of ways you can get round it,whilst waiting for a proper fix.
Thanks Albion.

I search "Windows 10 FPS Drop Fix for Gaming" and found a video that helped.
http://wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php?title=Artificial_Academy_2/Technical_Help You have the answer her just search :).
Q: On Windows 10 after the Anniversary Update (version 1607), performance is now slow and jerky during any interactive 3D action.
A: This is a result of an update to the DirectX9 3D DLL. The workaround is to replace d3d9.dll in the game installation directory with the previous working version in C:\windows\syswow64\d3d9.dll (provided you have not deleted it, system32 on 32-bit machines). If you use a subtitle mod (which also requires its own d3d9.dll in the game directory), put your previous d3d9.dll next to it under the name "d3d9_alt.dll". The subtitle mod will detect it and use it in place of the one in the system folder.
[HAIR] Some ear updates

A couple of updates I'd done for some ears found in the hair extensions found in HEXAHP and HEXAOC:

Mouse Ears [AA2][Hair][Mouse Ear 2][DUO].7z

My second take on a fix for the mouse ears found in the HEXAHP at extension slot 113 (flipped).

I had originally rebuilt them from scratch using less than 1/4 of the vertices in the original and it's still too many. I've touched up the meshes a bit more but it was mainly orientating faces and reshaping the inner ear a bit.

New for version 2: Color will now match the hair color with a lighter shade for the inner ear.

Hound Ears [AA2][Hair][Hound Ears 2][DUO].7z

Droopy hound ears to replace the ones currently in HEXAOC at slot 137.

Remade from scratch to be thinner and smoother than the original, with the inner ear slightly concave and a lighter shade. Clears most hair styles without clipping (most twin tails are still a no-go).

New for version 2: Now resizable. Color will now match the hair color with a lighter shade for the inner ear and they're now animated - not as floppy as I'd like, but still much better than static.
  • Like
Reactions: espiekerella
Windows 10 problem fixer!

Well, Microsoft f^^k us again with more stuffs and problems
In new update they replace many dlls.
Because of it your chars INVISIBLE and game LAGS WITH 3D chars

If you find laggy game then use d3d9_ALT.dll from archive and place in root folder.
Sometimes games not pick it up, then rename it to d3d9.dll
+This fix REAL PLAY too.
+I add locale thing, use .bin to run your game.

Extract archive too root folder


  • Win10Fucks.rar
    735.8 KB · Views: 1,191
[Miscellaneous] [AA2][Map][Textures][Bones1983]

This Is a Re Post of My Map mod From Hongfire.

This changes out the map textures for a kinda
otherworldly type theme or you can think of it as a
Night time all the time version!
No lst files were touched in the making of this mod!
Backup jg2p08_00_00 Just incase it doesn't work
Credit to SaotomeRanma who made something similar in
AA1 It inspired me to do something like this And To enimaroah
and Alamar For the SB3Utility This mod is Illusion wizard ready.
If I failed to mention anyone else let me know and I'll add the to credit

Their are also some custom eye textures and highlights!

If anyone wishes to customize these textures further feel free to do so!
I don't take requests for mods! I haven't got enough skills to do much more then


Artificial Academy 2 Futanari Mod

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc. and to spread my links on Pastebin or similar.
You have first to ask for my permission.

This mod replace the shotan and the chubby guys with an middle high and tall futanari.
It contains also the normal and tall guys.
The reason is, I have to redit all UV maps and textures, that you can also recolour the futas in the outfit selector.
Is working with the full game and with the Append Set.
There is no gurantee, that it works with other mods.

The low poly models are not really 100% great, especially the tall futanari, there I used also the normal one.
It is no easy to replace the chubby guy, cause the limbs are not on their place, by replacing the models.
I have also no idea how I can make it to work, that the low poly futanaris have bare legs, by entering the pool.
I will try later to edit the animation file of the tall futanari (HSE00_00_03_00.xa), to change the positions of the arms, like the normal futanari it has.


Clothed Futanaris
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Half Naked Futanaris
To see this hidden content, you must react with one of the following reactions : Like Like

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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
Wakabayashi wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!
