[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

"[Korean - Ballad] JYJ - Fallen Leaves"

This is my first ever official video submission for a singing contest in Korea. :> The official link is going to be announced this week (hopefully) but for the meantime, please watch it and tell me what you think!~

Sorry for my "hand cheat sheet", I wasn't able to memorize the song because I was busy with my job training. :\ Anyway, this was recorded last April 21, 2012. ^-^


Special Tags.~

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , @hayate , [MENTION=19812]AKIHISA[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]

Please read my post above. I hope you'll support me. Haha.~
Thank you very much! ^-^

If only there was less talking in the background... Otherwise it was pretty nice~ I feel that watching you look at your hand is kinda distracting... There are parts where i think you got a little quieter due to not knowing the lyrics :x
oh, which one's your favorite so far? :>

hmmm, during my first year @ ASF (waaay back "eXy blog" days) I was also exposed more with jap.anime songs and all but lately I was just too interested with Korean music, but i'm still picky with my artist list. xD because i want to be careful not to like them for their "studio recording voice" so I research a little with their live performances etc.

Oh also a common question I ask critics, will you also tell me how you "felt" with the songs as you listen to them? was I able to connect to you or something? ^^ I'll take note of your comments.~

Oh, you need to study Korean? May I ask why is that? :)

Hmm, haven't listened much to the others yet due to lack of time, (skipped right through quarter to middle of the song, then a few seconds and switch to middle, then quarter to end haha), but if I will choose, the Insa one is good.

Right now though, I have a few number of encounters to K-Pop, although, I must admit, the melodies are like... you know, something that gives you a sense of, the lyrics doesn't have a deep artistic meaning to it. I mean, songs, as I will reference to one of the things Index said in the Toaru Majutsu no Index anime, songs, no matter which language it is, can always surpass the language barrier, my theory is because of the melody each and every song produces, different melodies, different "impression" on the human brain, and well, sound vibrations of differing notes affect almost all things, including us on a cellular, emotional, mental, spiritual, and quantum level, to my theory (referring to "Cymatics").

In any case, that's the impression I get on today's K-Pop, so if I were to stick to some good Korean music, I would more likely prefer Ballad, and other classics, and yeah, with this, I am actually more inclined to stick to classics and such, except if I find the lyrics exceptional, combined with a very good melody and musical arrangement overall, that's what I'm looking for, although indeed, everybody has their own taste and preferences, but that's just me. :XD:

For some reason, I have an affinity to songs whose lyrics have that "deep artistic meaning", contrary to most of the Popular Music today, let alone in my country. :vomitblood:

And for some reason, they have an obsession with lyrics that has plain and boring meanings and (quite frankly) sucky melodies, and those "plain and boring meanings" I'm talking about are all glued to today's tragedies such as poverty, death of a loved one, crimes such as kidnapping, stealing, unruly children, unruly teens, etc., to name a few, over and over and over again, to all of the modern "popular" songs here I encountered so far, their themes are always cycling from tragedy to tragedy, examples include those that I have mentioned above... you know, things that will make you even more depressed, this world already has so much problems and yet people still choose to listen to music that will make them EVEN MORE depressed, yes, not sad or dramatic or emotional, but depressed, annoyed, angry, makes you curse your surroundings and etc., (especially those raps I accidentally encounter that my classmates last year really, really like for reasons I personally find logically hard to understand) haha.

So yeah, I tend to stick to Japanese Music because their lyrics, as far as I can see it, relates to the type of anime I'm watching, and most of the anime I watch are action, fantasy, romance, psychological, mystery and magic genre, and most of them have deep stories, especially if you read their light novels if they are based from there.

Some of the songs are sad but they are still good, and they're usually not those types of songs that will make you angry, depressed, annoyed, or something that will make you curse the situation if any, that is conveyed in the song or your environment, or the things that are happening in this world, especially with the mainstream society.

Most of the time I find myself having their theme songs becoming my favorite, because only those who watch or knows the said series, as far as I think of it, will be able to get a good grasp of what the composer of the song is actually trying to convey to the listeners, his or her message and such, and especially if the anime is really deep, the song will, almost anytime, as far as I have experienced it, matches the deepness too, making the "deep artistic meaning" even more prominent, then coupling it with an epic musical arrangement (like piano with violin, coupled with electric guitars and drums), that's where I will achieve eargasms.

Also a bit on drama provided they are not slice-of-life or this genre is also combined from the genres I mentioned above, I watch less slice-of-life but I do watch some provided it's a comedy and/or ecchi. :XD:

And yes, most of the time, their theme songs are not that appealing for me, unlike on those deep animes I usually watch.[/rant] :dead:

In any case, oh, that is good, yeah, it's always better to watch their own live performances, usually, some of them even dance or move around quite a bit while singing, if his or her voice, breathing, or delivery of notes changed at the time as he or she moves, then you can be certain that they are not lip-syncing hahahaha, those are the good things to watch, so you can judge their voice more accurately without the interference of computer programs.

As for the "connection" or "feel" thing, well, Insa was good, the way you sang was able to somehow "connect" to me, especially after I read the translation of the lyrics, although I admit that the connection got somehow spoiled because of the volume unevenness between your voice and the musical arrangement. XD

In any case, there is one thing to remember; if you truly want to put your emotions on the song, so that people who hear it will feel it too, just "project" your emotions and thoughts while singing the song, it's something like, telling your brain that the lyrics on the song are your own words, your own message, those words, along with your thoughts and emotions befitting the song are the ones that you want to convey to the listeners.

Best done if you have memorized the lyrics, along with the understanding of the meaning of it, well, you can memorize something faster by handwriting the whole thing, in this case, handwriting the whole lyrics into a new piece of paper, you can also try doing that same thing over and over again until you memorized it, or sing it in your head while you are handwriting it, it's much more effective IMO.

Different songs "touch" different people differently, in the end, you'll just have to put your emotions in it, you must "feel" the song, as they say. XD

And also, over time, people might get bored on those songs which has plain lyrics, so you might also try doing Ballad or other classics more often, but in your audition, you can stick to the Popular ones, it's just up to you on which one you will choose, but it would be good if you get the chance to find a modern Korean song whose lyrics are really beautiful, coupled with a really beautiful and matching musical arrangement as well, then pour all of your emotions and thoughts on that song while you sing it, and "project" them to the listeners, and you might as well get the chance to get qualified~.

I think, in my own theory, songs started as poems, sang by the bards, and those poems usually requires "reading between the lines" in order for you to understand what the composer is really trying to say, but quite frankly, I rarely find that property on today's songs now, not being biased but, since most modern songs I have encountered accidentally in this country really lack that kind of thing altogether (and yes, I don't intentionally try to listen to them local songs), and since I'm really exposed to Japanese Music, as I read the translations of the lyrics of my favorite songs, they still have that trace of "deep artistic meaning" to them, and of course, they even have the ability to match it with a good musical arrangement which really amazes me, notably, the band named; Supercell.

In any case, hmm, let's just say, I decided it for my self to learn the Korean Language, because I already imposed a rule on myself to learn at least 5 or more different languages as one of my "Basic Necessities in Life" hahaha.

And BTW I watched the video above, so you chose a Korean Ballad eh, that's good, too. XD

And I, indeed, was able to know about this international audition thing the Koreans are doing (after clicking a random link that led me to a K-Pop site), dunno if this was the one I saw in the vid, well, it was good, but I cannot judge completely the transitions you made between notes if it's smooth or not, because my headphone is really sucky right now hahaha. I will try viewing it again after I finally bought a new one, hopefully this week, but nevertheless it was good, also the emotions were conveyed well too.

Regarding the other parts though, they were good as well, if my hearing serves me right, (and even the people watching are clapping as well haha). Can you tell me how it went if this was the audition or the contest? Ahaha, I got confused, although if there were some sort of judges there, what are their reactions?

In any case, for some reason, I still feel you need to keep improving it some more, around a notch. Really sorry if I'm not that good at judging it yet, because of my headphone, although yeah, even if you feel that you've already perfected something, or is an adept to something, don't stop there, go ahead and keep on improving it as long as you got the time~.

You must keep that in your mind at all times, doing that might guarantee you good results to everything you want or need to do/achieve as well, although perhaps that is how perfectionists naturally think, and I gotta admit I'm one of them too, since birth, so I cannot help but advise people the same thing too when it comes to the things and goals they want to achieve and such. XD

On another note, I did saw the tags on the video, and the language you used on the last parts of the video, I suddenly felt bad on typing the rant thing just above, because that is exactly pinpointed on the current songs I come across this country, or rather, the same country we live in ohohohohohohoho~!!!

Anyway, good luck, just don't give up and keep on improving yourself, even if you feel that you're already "OK", or "this should be good enough", you mustn't stop there and keep improving yourself some more, listen to the voice within (your intuition) -through meditation or talking to yourself through your head too- as well, if you got more time to do so, feel free to do such. XD

Waaaa~, also, very sorry for my very long post, wasn't able to help posting something this long. :reallydespaired:
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If only there was less talking in the background... Otherwise it was pretty nice~ I feel that watching you look at your hand is kinda distracting... There are parts where i think you got a little quieter due to not knowing the lyrics :x
Yes, the talking in the backround was a little harch if i would say so myself.
Right now though, I have a few number of encounters to K-Pop, although, I must admit, the melodies are like... you know, something that gives you a sense of, the lyrics doesn't have a deep artistic meaning to it. I mean, songs, as I will reference to one of the things Index said in the Toaru Majutsu no Index anime, songs, no matter which language it is, can always surpass the language barrier, my theory is because of the melody each and every song produces, different melodies, different "impression" on the human brain, and well, sound vibrations of differing notes affect almost all things, including us on a cellular, emotional, mental, spiritual, and quantum level, to my theory (referring to "Cymatics").

In any case, that's the impression I get on today's K-Pop, so if I were to stick to some good Korean music, I would more likely prefer Ballad, and other classics, and yeah, with this, I am actually more inclined to stick to classics and such, except if I find the lyrics exceptional, combined with a very good melody and musical arrangement overall, that's what I'm looking for, although indeed, everybody has their own taste and preferences, but that's just me. :XD:

So yeah, I tend to stick to Japanese Music because their lyrics, as far as I can see it, relates to the type of anime I'm watching, and most of the anime I watch are action, fantasy, romance, psychological, mystery and magic genre, and most of them have deep stories, especially if you read their light novels if they are based from there.

Some of the songs are sad but they are still good, and they're usually not those types of songs that will make you angry, depressed, annoyed, or something that will make you curse the situation if any, that is conveyed in the song or your environment, or the things that are happening in this world, especially with the mainstream society.

I think i would keep my opinion at the same level as samy and ruri. Though even if you may sound sad/depressed in the song you can actually really hear your passion for it.
I wish you best of lucks, Pinky.
BTW, when is the result gonna come out?
Hahahaha. I actually memorized the song, but I was so nervous I relied on my "cheat sheet." maybe this event was really special that's I why I can't help but become waaaaaaaay nervous. -____- How about the high note? Did it sound okay?~

If only there was less talking in the background... Otherwise it was pretty nice~ I feel that watching you look at your hand is kinda distracting... There are parts where i think you got a little quieter due to not knowing the lyrics :x
I get quite nervous during most events that include other people watching :x Would never be able to give a speech in front of people much less sing... The high note sounded fine to me :3

The video is now officially posted at the website!

You don't need to watch the video, but you only have to click my entry as much as you can.^^

After clicking "KKyeoul"'s video several times, reload the page and the "Hits" will be updated.~

Feel free to click a "gazilliooon" times. :]


Note: Nope, i'm not from Germany. Weirdly it got registered with that country. -___-

Special Tags.~

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , @hayate , [MENTION=19812]AKIHISA[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]

Would you get HIT if people watch it directly from Youtube?
Or do they need to watch it through the Superstar K website?
[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION], I think the "official count" is getting a hit at SuperStarK's website.~ And again, you don't need to watch the video all over again, just click the thumbnail a gazillion times to your hearts content. haha. ^^

Official Hits Count as of now: 4242. ^-^
Edit: Just spare 5-10 minutes of your time anytime you're free, clicking like it's a game and you're a "Pro clicker" would really help alot already. ;] Komawo! (Thank you ASF!)
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That count goes up really fast o.o
Well... there goes about 1500 o.o I guess ill just click it while waiting on the 60 sec timer...
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Hmm, haven't listened much to the others yet due to lack of time, (skipped right through quarter to middle of the song, then a few seconds and switch to middle, then quarter to end haha), but if I will choose, the Insa one is good.

I'm glad you liked insa.~ It's one of my faves so far. Haha. Not too high-pitched but the song's nice. ^-^

Right now though, I have a few number of encounters to K-Pop, although, I must admit, the melodies are like... you know, something that gives you a sense of, the lyrics doesn't have a deep artistic meaning to it. I mean, songs, as I will reference to one of the things Index said in the Toaru Majutsu no Index anime, songs, no matter which language it is, can always surpass the language barrier, my theory is because of the melody each and every song produces, different melodies, different "impression" on the human brain, and well, sound vibrations of differing notes affect almost all things, including us on a cellular, emotional, mental, spiritual, and quantum level, to my theory (referring to "Cymatics").

In any case, that's the impression I get on today's K-Pop, so if I were to stick to some good Korean music, I would more likely prefer Ballad, and other classics, and yeah, with this, I am actually more inclined to stick to classics and such, except if I find the lyrics exceptional, combined with a very good melody and musical arrangement overall, that's what I'm looking for, although indeed, everybody has their own taste and preferences, but that's just me. :XD:

I see.. I also prefer k-ballad and not the trending "k-pop". Before I like a song I consider the melody first, lyrics, content and the over-all rendition of the singer. But it still varies, I guess.

For some reason, I have an affinity to songs whose lyrics have that "deep artistic meaning", contrary to most of the Popular Music today, let alone in my country. :vomitblood:

hahaha! but but, there are still many songs from our country that has deep artistic meaning. though some of them I was only able to hear from drama shows. I think our country still has a place for improvement. I think we have our own style but we still tend to be influenced by others.

If I will be chosen as a k-singer. My goal as an artist is not only to promote my company and Korea but also to be able to share what our country's made of.. Our culture, our strong faith, our lives and also our passion for things we do. I want to be known not just for singing. But also for my heart.~

And for some reason, they have an obsession with lyrics that has plain and boring meanings and (quite frankly) sucky melodies, and those "plain and boring meanings" I'm talking about are all glued to today's tragedies such as poverty, death of a loved one, crimes such as kidnapping, stealing, unruly children, unruly teens, etc., to name a few, over and over and over again, to all of the modern "popular" songs here I encountered so far, their themes are always cycling from tragedy to tragedy, examples include those that I have mentioned above... you know, things that will make you even more depressed, this world already has so much problems and yet people still choose to listen to music that will make them EVEN MORE depressed, yes, not sad or dramatic or emotional, but depressed, annoyed, angry, makes you curse your surroundings and etc., (especially those raps I accidentally encounter that my classmates last year really, really like for reasons I personally find logically hard to understand) haha.

For some reasons, during the first time I read your rant. I thought you liked those songs. Whenever I sing sad songs, my mentality is not just to convey the sad meaning of the song but actually the comfort behind the sad songs. I'm sure many has experienced sad moments in their lives but the good side of those moments is that they were able to become stronger as a person and that sadness isn't forever. So like I said, I want to give the warmth to the hearts of the audience.~

So yeah, I tend to stick to Japanese Music because their lyrics, as far as I can see it, relates to the type of anime I'm watching, and most of the anime I watch are action, fantasy, romance, psychological, mystery and magic genre, and most of them have deep stories, especially if you read their light novels if they are based from there.

Some of the songs are sad but they are still good, and they're usually not those types of songs that will make you angry, depressed, annoyed, or something that will make you curse the situation if any, that is conveyed in the song or your environment, or the things that are happening in this world, especially with the mainstream society.

Most of the time I find myself having their theme songs becoming my favorite, because only those who watch or knows the said series, as far as I think of it, will be able to get a good grasp of what the composer of the song is actually trying to convey to the listeners, his or her message and such, and especially if the anime is really deep, the song will, almost anytime, as far as I have experienced it, matches the deepness too, making the "deep artistic meaning" even more prominent, then coupling it with an epic musical arrangement (like piano with violin, coupled with electric guitars and drums), that's where I will achieve eargasms.

Also a bit on drama provided they are not slice-of-life or this genre is also combined from the genres I mentioned above, I watch less slice-of-life but I do watch some provided it's a comedy and/or ecchi. :XD:

And yes, most of the time, their theme songs are not that appealing for me, unlike on those deep animes I usually watch.[/rant] :dead:

DEEP. lol. :]] Hahaha. But kidding aside, I also liked OSTs of animes before (back when I was still watching animes. haha) and yes, that's one of the reason I liked k-pop somehow, because some of their OSTs are well-connected to the plotline and you won't be able to really connect with the song unless you watch the kdrama. Example: Secret Garden. BUT the original drama and not the "localized" one. The dubbed ver. is really different from the real one so I prefer watching the original ver. + english subs. haha. Since our country is found of localizing K-dramas, one of the things they should work upon is retaining the "feel" of the kdrama. :l

In any case, oh, that is good, yeah, it's always better to watch their own live performances, usually, some of them even dance or move around quite a bit while singing, if his or her voice, breathing, or delivery of notes changed at the time as he or she moves, then you can be certain that they are not lip-syncing hahahaha, those are the good things to watch, so you can judge their voice more accurately without the interference of computer programs.

hahahah! RIGHT! some "computer-generated" artists tend to sound off live and I don't want to be like that, because it seems unprofessional and it's not your true self. :(

As for the "connection" or "feel" thing, well, Insa was good, the way you sang was able to somehow "connect" to me, especially after I read the translation of the lyrics, although I admit that the connection got somehow spoiled because of the volume unevenness between your voice and the musical arrangement. XD

yup, common comment among viewers: the recording's bad. hahaha. but my room isn't a literal "closed" room so it also records unnecessary noises. :l but i'm glad I was able to fairly render the song to you. ^^

In any case, there is one thing to remember; if you truly want to put your emotions on the song, so that people who hear it will feel it too, just "project" your emotions and thoughts while singing the song, it's something like, telling your brain that the lyrics on the song are your own words, your own message, those words, along with your thoughts and emotions befitting the song are the ones that you want to convey to the listeners.

Best done if you have memorized the lyrics, along with the understanding of the meaning of it, well, you can memorize something faster by handwriting the whole thing, in this case, handwriting the whole lyrics into a new piece of paper, you can also try doing that same thing over and over again until you memorized it, or sing it in your head while you are handwriting it, it's much more effective IMO.

Different songs "touch" different people differently, in the end, you'll just have to put your emotions in it, you must "feel" the song, as they say. XD

I'll take note of everything you said.~ Common problem I had since I was young is that whenever the "live" performance comes, I tend to get waaaaaaaaaaay nervous and even though I have perfectly memorized the lyrics, I still forget it. T^T The "cheat sheet" on my hand is for emergency purpose only but eventually I depended on it because I was sooo nervous. Also because of the fact the event was really special for me.^^ And because I'm friend-supported I don't have that much exposure so yes, nervousness is one of my enemies. :S (Meaning, only my friends support me with this path and I'm not the type who has gotten a professional trainer, projects and stuff like that.)~

And also, over time, people might get bored on those songs which has plain lyrics, so you might also try doing Ballad or other classics more often, but in your audition, you can stick to the Popular ones, it's just up to you on which one you will choose, but it would be good if you get the chance to find a modern Korean song whose lyrics are really beautiful, coupled with a really beautiful and matching musical arrangement as well, then pour all of your emotions and thoughts on that song while you sing it, and "project" them to the listeners, and you might as well get the chance to get qualified~.

I think, in my own theory, songs started as poems, sang by the bards, and those poems usually requires "reading between the lines" in order for you to understand what the composer is really trying to say, but quite frankly, I rarely find that property on today's songs now, not being biased but, since most modern songs I have encountered accidentally in this country really lack that kind of thing altogether (and yes, I don't intentionally try to listen to them local songs), and since I'm really exposed to Japanese Music, as I read the translations of the lyrics of my favorite songs, they still have that trace of "deep artistic meaning" to them, and of course, they even have the ability to match it with a good musical arrangement which really amazes me, notably, the band named; Supercell.

I don't go for a generic "popular" ones or even the "high note song" ones~ It varies from time to time depending on my confidence. Hahahaha. I'll try my best to improve more!~ I'm not that good so I hope one day I'll be able to be a better singer artistically, emotionally and professionally.^^ Oh what's your most fave song of supercell?

In any case, hmm, let's just say, I decided it for my self to learn the Korean Language, because I already imposed a rule on myself to learn at least 5 or more different languages as one of my "Basic Necessities in Life" hahaha.

I see. For my case, I only decided to study atleast 3. hahahaha. :]] Let's work hard to learn many! ;]

And BTW I watched the video above, so you chose a Korean Ballad eh, that's good, too. XD

And I, indeed, was able to know about this international audition thing the Koreans are doing (after clicking a random link that led me to a K-Pop site), dunno if this was the one I saw in the vid, well, it was good, but I cannot judge completely the transitions you made between notes if it's smooth or not, because my headphone is really sucky right now hahaha. I will try viewing it again after I finally bought a new one, hopefully this week, but nevertheless it was good, also the emotions were conveyed well too.
Alright, tell me your full evaluation after you get a better listen to it. ^-^ Thank you, emotions (check!). I feel somewhat relieved that's your impression.~

Regarding the other parts though, they were good as well, if my hearing serves me right, (and even the people watching are clapping as well haha). Can you tell me how it went if this was the audition or the contest? Ahaha, I got confused, although if there were some sort of judges there, what are their reactions?

Oh, this is not an audition for the contest but a Philippine JYJ event. JYJ is a kpop group that I really look up to. Their group has a long background story, I bet it'll take forever to explain them to you. xD The audience are the ones clapping. And the "human standees" behind me is the group JYJ.^-^ It's special, like I mentioned because it's the first kpop event i've been to and because one of the members gave an impact to my life. haha. :] My friend saw the vid, and encouraged me to submit it to the said contest.~

In any case, for some reason, I still feel you need to keep improving it some more, around a notch. Really sorry if I'm not that good at judging it yet, because of my headphone, although yeah, even if you feel that you've already perfected something, or is an adept to something, don't stop there, go ahead and keep on improving it as long as you got the time~.

You must keep that in your mind at all times, doing that might guarantee you good results to everything you want or need to do/achieve as well, although perhaps that is how perfectionists naturally think, and I gotta admit I'm one of them too, since birth, so I cannot help but advise people the same thing too when it comes to the things and goals they want to achieve and such. XD

Yup, I'll seek for improvement always.~ I still have waaaaaaaaaaay a lot to experience and learn. I think I still haven't perfected anything yet, I think my singing's still not goood to be honest, so i'll try to do it step by step unto the infinite world of betterment. ;] Not only for me but to the audience I hope to reach someday.~

On another note, I did saw the tags on the video, and the language you used on the last parts of the video, I suddenly felt bad on typing the rant thing just above, because that is exactly pinpointed on the current songs I come across this country, or rather, the same country we live in ohohohohohohoho~!!!

Anyway, good luck, just don't give up and keep on improving yourself, even if you feel that you're already "OK", or "this should be good enough", you mustn't stop there and keep improving yourself some more, listen to the voice within (your intuition) -through meditation or talking to yourself through your head too- as well, if you got more time to do so, feel free to do such. XD

Waaaa~, also, very sorry for my very long post, wasn't able to help posting something this long. :reallydespaired:

No problem. I actually appreciate your long reply because you certainly gave a really big effort on it. Thank you so much for your messages and feel free to give me lots of bad points so I can further improve.~ I'll take note the things that you have posted. And no prob with your rant. I understand. Hahahaha. We share some views so don't feel bad about it.^^ Yup, I won't give up and I'll do my best!~ Sorry for replying late btw! I've read your post and had my reply, but there was an interruption with the electricity so the pc got turned off before I was able to post it. -___- Thank you again!~
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Yes, the talking in the backround was a little harch if i would say so myself.

Yup, the bg has a really audible sound of people talking. :l But what can you say about the way I rendered the song? What's your honest rating, perhaps?

I think i would keep my opinion at the same level as samy and ruri. Though even if you may sound sad/depressed in the song you can actually really hear your passion for it.

Hmm, what do you mean? Can you please explain further?~ #slowmoment

That count goes up really fast o.o
Well... there goes about 1500 o.o I guess ill just click it while waiting on the 60 sec timer...

OMOOOO! KAMSAHAMNIDAAAA! (Thankyouuuuu!) Please continue supporting me during your free time.~ I appreciate your help alot!^^ All your hits and clicks really mean alot to me. I'm really thankful with everyone's help. :">

Official Hit Count: 6714. Yey.~

I wish you best of lucks, Pinky.
BTW, when is the result gonna come out?

Thank you, alexsdu!~ This is a worldwide contest so the processing would take months.~ Around June or July? Live auditions are still to be updated so I'm not sure when. :S
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Yup, the bg has a really audible sound of people talking. :l But what can you say about the way I rendered the song? What's your honest rating, perhaps?

Hmm, what do you mean? Can you please explain further?~ #slowmoment

Hmm... About rendering and about the rating i would give a... hmm.... 8/10...

And about your passion for singing... it´s quite wonderfull how you keep that singing at the same awesome level at the whole time and you are really good at it. it also so seems like you take your time going through the songs alot before singing them. (maybe that´s what a singer allways does) Well, anyways i will continue to support pinky~


Again, I hope you'll continuously support me in this one.~ This is the biggest contest i've ever entered so far. Though chances are really low but trying is still better than doing nothing, right? Nothing is impossible as long as people are united.^^

Sparing few minutes of your free time everyday would really count alot.~ HIT IT! Haha. ;]

You don't need to watch the video all over again, just click my entry(KKyeoul) as much as you can and it would count as a "hit".^^


After clicking "KKyeoul"'s video several times, reload the page and the "Hits" will be updated.~

Thank you thank you so much!~

Pinkylicious (KKyeoul)

Official Count: 7099.~
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spamming left mouse button??? challenge accepted~ :samuraihero:
...i see myself as pro-clicker :lmao:

edit: bit over 1k and my arm hurts :dispirited:
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Reactions: Pinkylicious
Hmm... About rendering and about the rating i would give a... hmm.... 8/10...

And about your passion for singing... it´s quite wonderfull how you keep that singing at the same awesome level at the whole time and you are really good at it. it also so seems like you take your time going through the songs alot before singing them. (maybe that´s what a singer allways does) Well, anyways i will continue to support pinky~

8/10, alright. Thank you.~ Hopefully next time I ask for your rating, it'll improve even by few decimal points. haha.~ Wow, those words make me blush. :"> I'm glad my passion was able to reach you. Yup, I did study that song for quite sometime but I think I still have to do better next time.^^ I'll work harder.~

Thank you Hideki for your continuous support.~

Whoo its over 9000~ (aka 9001) I think ill call it a night and sleep now xD

Omo, seems like many asf members and jyj friends(the event where I sang) are helping me.^^ Thank you! Tomorrow again.~ ;]

spamming left mouse button??? challenge accepted~ :samuraihero:
...i see myself as pro-clicker :lmao:

Yeeeeeeeeeey! A new clicker.~ Thank yooouu!

Hits Update: 10799.
If it reaches 15k hits: It'll be at the 3rd page middle most popular
If it reaches 30k hits: It'll be at the 2nd page most popular
1st page most popular is kinda impossible. Woaah.

But i'm thankful for the progress~ Good job everyone.^^
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ARE YOU SERIOUS?! :surprised:

Yes! I can click all day if I wanted. Years of clicking the next button on VNs and pressing the A and B buttons on video games. I want to do another 10,000! XD
Yes! I can click all day if I wanted. Years of clicking the next button on VNs and pressing the A and B buttons on video games. I want to do another 10,000! XD
Let´s spamm click a little together.. :fulfilled:

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